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Original poster
Staff member
Apr 18, 2004
Somewhere over the rainbow
I've finally decided to learn Aperture properly and use it as my main image program. I've read through all the documentation, and experimented for some hours, but still can't figure out two things:

1 In the Adjustments window, I would like both Sharpen and Highlights and Shadows to be in the default set-up. As it is now, I can choose them from the pop-up menu for an individual image, but as soon as I open a new image, they're gone and have to be added again. How can I make them stay?

2 I've been pretty sloppy with my project organisation, and am now slowly going through, assigning keywords and trying to group the images in projects and albums in an intelligent manner. But how do I delete images from a project after moving them to a new album or project? It seems that any images I delete from a project, disappear completely - also from the new location to which they've been moved.


Moderator emeritus
Jul 24, 2002
1) No Idea

2) An image can only be in a single project. If you are "moving" the image to a new project and it's still in the old one then the move is not working. Images are not stored in albums, these are just references to the image in the project so deleting the image in the project will remove it from all albums, smart albums, web pages, books and so on.


Original poster
Staff member
Apr 18, 2004
Somewhere over the rainbow
robbieduncan said:
1) No Idea

2) An image can only be in a single project. If you are "moving" the image to a new project and it's still in the old one then the move is not working. Images are not stored in albums, these are just references to the image in the project so deleting the image in the project will remove it from all albums, smart albums, web pages, books and so on.

Ok, thanks, that helps me - to know that an image only can be in one project. I understand that images are not stored in albums, that albums are only ways to call up images with certain common keywords or the like. But are images actually stored in a project, or are they stored in the library (as in iPhoto)?

And how do I move an image to a new project? Example: In "Unnamed project 1", I have several images that I'd like to move to a new project. I mark them all, then Ctrl-click to get a pop-up menu. But there's no option in the menu to move the images. Nor can I seem to find an option in any of the menu items along the top of the window. Maybe I need to delete the entire project, create a new project and move the images from the library to the new project? Or would I be deleting the masters and versions by deleting the project? :eek:

Sorry for the n00bish questions, I spent the whole afternoon today reading the manual, but still couldn't figure this stuff out. :eek: And I'm terrified I'll delete something I meant to keep.


Moderator emeritus
Jul 24, 2002
Images are stored in the project, not the library. I think there is some trick to moving images between projects:

To move an image to a different project select the image in the project (not in an album or anything else) and drag it to the new project


macrumors 65816
Aug 26, 2004
annk said:
I would like both Sharpen and Highlights and Shadows to be in the default set-up.

Aperture version 1.5 allows this. It always bugged me with previous versions, then 1.5 came along and the option is now always visible


Original poster
Staff member
Apr 18, 2004
Somewhere over the rainbow
Ok, thanks to both. Guess I'll be upgrading - I was worried the 1.5 upgrade wouldn't do well on my PB G4, but I've been planning on more RAM anyway.

One more n00bish question - I'm eventually planning on storing all my images in Aperture, and deleting my iPhoto library to save space. But in some of the images I view in Aperture, the image info states the the master is stored in the iPhoto library. If I delete the iPhoto library from my PB, will I still be able to access everything I've imported from Aperture? (I will of course back up the iPhoto library on an external disc before I delete it from the PB:)


macrumors 68000
Mar 19, 2006
Go to File > Import > iPhoto Library. Is that the way you are viewing your iPhoto library? If not, do that and it will copy your iPhoto Library to the Aperture Library.

Hope this helps.


Clix Pix

macrumors Core
annk said:
And how do I move an image to a new project? Example: In "Unnamed project 1", I have several images that I'd like to move to a new project.

Actually it turns out to be as simple as drag-and-drop. You highlight the image(s) in the current project, then simply drag it or them to the new project. Voila!


macrumors 68030
Dec 8, 2003
I haven't posted here for a LONG time, but I have an Aperture Question too. On my newest computer, Aperture only displays 2 pictures zoomed up at once. I want to do at least 4 like on my G5. This probably has to do with some kind of system check, but I don't care how slow it goes, I just want to FORCE it to be able to have 4 zoomed up.

Thank you all for any help you have.


Original poster
Staff member
Apr 18, 2004
Somewhere over the rainbow
schaef2493 said:
Go to File > Import > iPhoto Library. Is that the way you are viewing your iPhoto library? If not, do that and it will copy your iPhoto Library to the Aperture Library.

Hope this helps.


I did originally import my whole iPhoto library, when I got Aperture. What confuses me now, is where the individual images actually lives. When I get through all my images and sort them as I wish in Aperture, I want to stop using iPhoto, in order to save space on my HD. Right now, I have huge libraries in both programs, where a good amount of the images overlap. Very stupid of me - I wish I'd been thinking organisation from day one, and now I'm paying for it!!

So when I view an image in Aperture, and the info tells me that the master lives in the iPhoto library, it worries me. Will that image then disappear completely if I were to delete my iPhoto library?

I will back up my entire iPhoto library before deleting it when I get that far, so no matter what, no real damage will be done, but I could be letting myself in for a lot of work if I don't understand how it functions before I start doing drastic things.

And Connie, thank you for the drag-and-drop info! Can't believe I didn't think of trying that! I'm getting so skittish about messing things up, I'm getting scared to try things.

Back to one of my original questions - anyone know how to make certain tooks in the Adjustments panel show up as default? Specifically, I want sharpen and highlights/shadows to be in the panel. As it is now, I have to click on the pop up menu and select them for every image.


macrumors 68000
Mar 19, 2006
I would try what the above poster stated.

Don't worry; Aperture can be somewhat daunting at first.:)


Original poster
Staff member
Apr 18, 2004
Somewhere over the rainbow
robbieduncan said:
Before you delete your iPhoto library use the Consolidate Masters tool to copy all the masters into the Aperture Library.

Thanks. I did import the entire iPhoto library over at one point, so I assume the masters are already there. But it's still good to know about the CM tool.

My experience should be a lesson to anyone who thinks she's just messing around - - no matter what, be ORGANIZED from the very first images! :eek: I am wading through a true mess, and don't expect to be finished until around Christmas.
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