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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 2, 2007

A couple weeks ago I got the 3G iPhone and soon after I did a JB on it with red. I got to liking the options after doing the JB that I decided the 3GS would be the best route to take full advantage so I exchanged the 3G for the 3GS last week and quickly did a JB on that as well. SO now I really want the best experience.

As of now I have iBlacklist,SB settings,winterboard, and 5 icon dock. What I have questions on is the following:

What are the functional use of repositories?
How can I get the message icon to say SMS on it?
is TLert any good and is it compatable with 3.0?
Where and how do I find and install LOCK INFO?

I have searched on these questions with the forum but I havent really found any direct answers.

ALSO I have heard intelliscreen sucks is this true for 3GS as well and is the TLERT and INTELLISCREEN and LOCKINFO compatable with iBlacklist?

I know it's alot of questions but I could really use the help.

seriously none of that answers my questions. I have seen all of that.

How do those links not answer your questions? I clicked each one and it addresses each question you asked. Are you looking for something else?
seriously none of that answers my questions. I have seen all of that.

Are you kidding me? How lazy are you?

What are the functional use of repositories?

A software repository is a storage location from which software packages may be retrieved and installed on a computer.

How can I get the message icon to say SMS on it?

Official Winterboard theming documentation:

Find the icon image here:

is TLert any good and is it compatable with 3.0?

"3.0 support"

Where and how do I find and install LOCK INFO?

add to your Cydia sources and install "Lockscreen Info"
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