Perhaps the Relative to ProcHot is the number of Degrees F or C that you are FROM the maximum allowable temperature (TJmax?). My Prochot number DECREASES as my Tdiode increases.
That would put your T Diode's maximum 'safe' temperature at 234F (or 111C) more or less (91F + 143F). I presume that this is the temperature at which your system would shut itself down to prevent damage from overheating.
I always understood that anything above 100C was too hot.
If all of this is the case, then the high number that you see (for Relative to Prochot) is possibly a good thing.
Try stress-testing the CPU and see what the 'CPUA Relative' temperature does. Open Terminal and type: yes > /dev/null &
Do several of these until your CPU cores are being heavily utilised.
To stop the testing, type: killall yes