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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Oct 14, 2011
Oregon, OH
Hey guys, just looking for a little experience here and hoping for a decent idea of what my fiancé is getting into. So basically she was at Cracker Barrel tonight and get out of the car and slipped and fell in the parking lot on some ice. She hurt her hand (not terribly bad) but she also cracked the screen on her iPhone 6 Verizon 128gb (in an apple silicone case). There is no point of impact on the phone and there is one single crack.

She made a report with the manager of the Cracker Barrel and she was told she'd receive a call in the next few days. What do you think Cracker Barrel might do? And on another note, will apple cover this as a hairline crack since there is no impact point? Thanks In advance for the responses.


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Sue your girlfriend.
It's not cracker barrels or Apples fault.

Wow I appreciate the inconsiderate response. The phone was in a case and did not contact the ground. As you can see from the photos there is no marks on the phone except the crack. As a responsible buisness owner you are supposed to put down salt to make sure stuff like this doesn't happen. What if it was a family member of yours that had fallen and broken a hip? Usually people are nice around here. What did I do to deserve such an inconsiderate response?
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Check with the nearest Radio Shack or BestBuy to see if they can repair it. Apple will charge you an arm and a leg; but then again they may consider the repair "to not void" the warranty. I purchased AppleCare+ for both iPhone 6 to prepare for those type of falls or cracks. My wife and I traded in our cracked/damaged iPhones for new/refurbished iPhone 2X each...:cool:
Thanks for the ideas guys. I really appreciate the ideas. I guess we'll see what Cracker Barrel responds with, but I dont expect much in that department.
Thanks for the ideas guys. I really appreciate the ideas. I guess we'll see what Cracker Barrel responds with, but I dont expect much in that department.

I know some iPhone 6 owners were using their CC or Debit Card from their banks to purchase; thereby covering the iPhone for damage or loss. Again, that was last year when it had just been released. Hope all this helps! :cool:
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