Has the battery life gotten better with 3.0.1?
I think the problem is that this picture overall is inconsistent... there are plenty of us who don't particularly note problems with battery life in 3.0. I've only ever had battery life issues according to use...
- Got my iPhone, 1.1.3, was suddenly on EDGE all the time and listening to music at the same time and had to make sure it lasted until I was home for the night (or if I stayed out that night, worried about it dying while I was on the train home the next day)
- Settled down, no battery issues.
- 2.0 came out and suddenly apps meant I was using it like crazy again, same results.
- Settled down, no battery issues.
- 3.0 and 3.0.1 coincided with some new interesting apps but no real change...
- Civilization Revolution came out and my battery life is all shot to hell.
But yeah, it's hard to know what to tell you. You can try another restore of the firmware, and you can try all the tricks you know...
- You might get better battery life if you don't jailbreak just because of stuff that you'd be running in the background
- You get better battery life if push is off
- You get better battery life if notifications are off