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Dr Kevorkian94

macrumors 68020
Original poster
Jun 9, 2009
Well I'm on vacation, I took my first road trip with my iPad. And I had a fine 3G connection all the way down the highway. Once I got on the island the connection failed. I have full bars but yet no connection whatsoever even my iPhone has no connection. I'm current ly working off wi-fi at the moment and exept for the one spot where I do get a connection the rest of the island up to bay village is a dead spot. I don't know how manta of you have been or are hear now but just want to know how many of you share my sentiments.
Right off of 72.. I am no shoobie. But yea, voice is all that usually works there.

At least U know where it is, it's a vacation spot on the jersey shore I see many car stickers with it. I go hear a lot on vacation and I don't remember the 3G being so bad. I even get better service in new York and they still haven fixed the speeds there. I was at a friends house near toms river nj and the speeds were super fast. It's a little better in the house I'm in so I'm happy for know.
Nice report, but I don't think anyone knows were LBI is.

LBI is Long Beach Island, a vacation spot just north of Atlantic City. Not many people outside of NY/NJ/PA/DELMARVA probably know what the heck LBI Stands for.

Coastal areas are tricky, sometime you can get coverage a mile or two off the coast, and sometimes coverage on the beach is spotty. I guess that's just a result of the towers covering a radius and the resulting overlaps may not always cover the entire beach.
This is getting annoying, I think u are right it's the result of overlaping towers. I get service now but in about 5 min it will go away, I'm stting down in the same spot and it goes on and off. I have full service but it still does this. Sigh:(
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