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macrumors 604
Original poster
Jul 4, 2001
1 Block away from NYC.
My system has been acting up, yeah repair permissions yada yada yada.

Been there done that...

I have been getting more and more annoyied as I will show the following pictures.

Some icons of Programs have Stayied, like for .avi Files Quicktime says it opens them, but for others... no.

This is the lastest problem I pop in my disk to install and...

edit: I fixed the problem using various tools...


  • crazy.jpg
    60.2 KB · Views: 455
And like for this Music Video... Notice no Quicktime icon and the Control Click 'Open With' Says '<none>'
Even though when I double click it opens with quicktime...

edit: I fixed the problem using various below for more


  • notice.jpg
    2.5 KB · Views: 449
Woah, hold the phone - why on Earth would Diablo II be the cause? i have it as well, and my comp is all fine and dandy. All icons accounted for.

I'd do the standard stuff - restart, repair permissions, run fsck, etc....
OMG!!!!!!! Stop what you're doing!!!!!!!!!!!

If you install that Norton crap, your computer is going to be FUBARed for life!!!!!!!!!!!

You're asking for big time trouble with that stuff. Just remember I told you so.
Yes, norton is BAD news. We have two blue and white G3's at the office, that havent been the same since.

Diablo 2 on the other hand, has never given me any problems on macs at home.
Originally posted by e-coli
OMG!!!!!!! Stop what you're doing!!!!!!!!!!!

If you install that Norton crap, your computer is going to be FUBARed for life!!!!!!!!!!!

You're asking for big time trouble with that stuff. Just remember I told you so.

yeah yeah okay, This isn't a Norton only problem, I want to know why I can't open these Type Files...

I wanted to run Norton so I can fix the QuickTime Icon glitch and someother strange happenings...

Originally posted by RandomDeadHead
Yes, norton is BAD news. We have two blue and white G3's at the office, that havent been the same since.

Diablo 2 on the other hand, has never given me any problems on macs at home.

Okay then I only have THIS and DiskWarrior, And I have run DiskWarrior... What do I need to do?!?!

There has to be someone here who is gonna tell me something for me to do instead of 'NO DON'T INSTALL NORTON!'.

I'm gonna do the opposite - I'd advise you run norton if you don't have any other options - your computer is already screwed up. I have Norton, and though I hate it, it has saved my computer AND my ass twice already - I'll keep it around.

Try it and see what happens. At this point it can't hurt.
Originally posted by pEZ
I'm gonna do the opposite - I'd advise you run norton if you don't have any other options - your computer is already screwed up. I have Norton, and though I hate it, it has saved my computer AND my ass twice already - I'll keep it around.

Try it and see what happens. At this point it can't hurt.

:At 8:15 EST MrMacMan Is dead:

No one listens.


The whole problem was that I can't even INSTALL Norton, how can I possibly run norton if it aint installed?

And since I'm having problems booting off stuff...

When it asks you to chose the creator type (as it's doing in the picture), choose "installer" in the utilities folder in apps. Or maybe you tried this.

Sorry, I didn't meen to seem overly dramatic about the Norton thing, but it f'ed my computer up so bad once I had to purchase a new hard drive. :rolleyes:
Well I did some various stuff and got most of my icons back...

Thanks for most of the help guys...

I guess when I get the chance I'm gonna see if I can install it again...
Just as a suggestion to anyone who might have similar problems in the future: if nothing else works, boot into 9 and rebuild the desktop (cmnd and option at startup). It shouldn't really do anything, but it's solved problems I've had like that when nothing else worked.
Originally posted by GeeYouEye
Just as a suggestion to anyone who might have similar problems in the future: if nothing else works, boot into 9 and rebuild the desktop (cmnd and option at startup). It shouldn't really do anything, but it's solved problems I've had like that when nothing else worked.

Cool, good idea.

I think DiskWarrior has some type of re-build and thats what did it...

Does anyone suggest any apps or Programs that can help me since I have been hearing
'DON'T USE NORTON' alot what do you want me to get, Techtool aint out yet... what to get for now?
Originally posted by GeeYouEye
Just as a suggestion to anyone who might have similar problems in the future: if nothing else works, boot into 9 and rebuild the desktop (cmnd and option at startup). It shouldn't really do anything, but it's solved problems I've had like that when nothing else worked.

You can rebuild the OS 9 desktop file within OS X. Open System Preferences. Go to the classic pane, advanced tab, and click the "rebuild desktop" button. This could help things if they are files for classic apps, but it should have no effect on OS X, as it uses an entirely different system of file ownership.
I was about to say...on OS 9 a problem like that is easily solved by rebuilding the desktop, but OS X is not OS 9, so yeah. It seems like the best thing to do is backup info, clear the drive, and reinstall to get whatever happened fixed for good. And as a sidenote, Norton is just the devil's plaything. It killed my PC twice back when I used to have a Gateway. I remember when asked a Gateway tech support guy and he freaked saying "Promise me if you ever see anything with the word 'Norton' on it--DON'T INSTALL It" It appears no matter what platform or what it is, if it's Norton, it's going to make your life hell after you install it on your computer.
Originally posted by Powerbook G5
Norton is just the devil's plaything. It killed my PC twice back when I used to have a Gateway. I remember when asked a Gateway tech support guy and he freaked saying "Promise me if you ever see anything with the word 'Norton' on it--DON'T INSTALL It" It appears no matter what platform or what it is, if it's Norton, it's going to make your life hell after you install it on your computer.

Read My lips:
I know Norton is Bad, Now give me an Alternate!

I said I know,

I said I know again.

Now give me something I can use!
Some Rather Humble Advice

I have learned maintenance on my Macs by usually messing stuff up; now, my Macs run as smooth as Butta...

back to your original post: when you repaired permissions, did you do it from another Mac running the same version of the OS? Guys, the last CD supplied to us was the Jaguar install. I keep a Virgin, no third party apps (save for Disk Warrior 3.0) on one of my partitions; I apply all updates to it, but have only opened Disk Utility and Disk Warrior on it: it is there to repair permissions on my G4 and iBook. If you do not have another Mac, try to borrow a friend's laptop running 10.2.6 and repair permissions through Target Drive Mode. If you were my pal, I would burn you a copy of DW 3.0 and install in in a clean partition so you can repair the directory, THEN install Diablo 2. well, I was trying to be jelpful at the beginning of the post... good luck!

EDIT: Did you use version 3.0 of Disk Warrior?
i'd: fsck, privlidges, diskwarrior, archive & install.

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