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Original poster
Jan 22, 2007
So I don't know how or if this is possible. But is there a way for me to be able to make a font out of my own handwriting and save that into photoshop? I've always wondered if I can do this so I can digitally type things and make it look like i wrote it.
There used to be advertising in PC Magazine or one of the other Windows-related magazines so that you would fill out the letters as requested, send the card and your US$40 and they would provide you with a typeface, just for you. Maybe, they're still doing the service.
font garden

font garden charges $40 for your own font and $7 for 6 signatures

Yeah I remember that my computer design teacher told me about it and actually tried it to see the results.....I was BLOWN away to see that for a mere 40 bones you could actually type just as you can handwrite!
I tried to use an old version of FONTOGRAPHER on an ol' PC and for the life of me I could not save the fonts i was manipulating, so i discarded it and never looked back!

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