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macrumors regular
Original poster
Dec 13, 2008
I can drag a newly created individual playlist and drop it onto the device --> iphone (under the store link) and it will instantly sync. Yet when I make new playlists in the regular area of Itunes then go over into the Iphone's music tab the playlists won't show up to sync all at once. All my older playlists are syncing fine btw.

Driving me nuts, anyone have a clue how to fix this?
I can drag a newly created individual playlist and drop it onto the device --> iphone (under the store link) and it will instantly sync. Yet when I make new playlists in the regular area of Itunes then go over into the Iphone's music tab the playlists won't show up to sync all at once. All my older playlists are syncing fine btw.

Driving me nuts, anyone have a clue how to fix this?
I just done what your asking to my iphone with it "plugged in" I can probably only help you by telling what my settings are on. Summary:sync only checked songs & vids and open itunes when.. are only 2 boxes checked. Music tab: Sync music box and Selected playlist, artists...are only 2 checked. The new playlist i make goes straight there after i'm done to playlists on phone menu. I hope you know you can scroll down(bar don't appear until you try), and check box if you see it. If you can just drag them like you said, then whats wrong with that?
I just done what your asking to my iphone with it "plugged in" I can probably only help you by telling what my settings are on. Summary:sync only checked songs & vids and open itunes when.. are only 2 boxes checked. Music tab: Sync music box and Selected playlist, artists...are only 2 checked. The new playlist i make goes straight there after i'm done to playlists on phone menu. I hope you know you can scroll down(bar don't appear until you try), and check box if you see it. If you can just drag them like you said, then whats wrong with that?

Appreciate you looking but I should have said I'm very familiar with the interface of Itunes, definitely know you can scroll down in the connected devices music tab and select individual playlists. I have the settings set for "select playlists" not "entire library." What I'm saying is new playlists I make won't even show up in that area.
Appreciate you looking but I should have said I'm very familiar with the interface of Itunes, definitely know you can scroll down in the connected devices music tab and select individual playlists. I have the settings set for "select playlists" not "entire library." What I'm saying is new playlists I make won't even show up in that area.

In your new playlist, do all the songs have a checkmark beside them?
Appreciate you looking but I should have said I'm very familiar with the interface of Itunes, definitely know you can scroll down in the connected devices music tab and select individual playlists. I have the settings set for "select playlists" not "entire library." What I'm saying is new playlists I make won't even show up in that area.
You can just add the songs to iphone./ "On phone" in itunes: hit playlists and hit ADD playlist, name it...put what ever songs on it there.
You can just add the songs to iphone./ "On phone" in itunes: hit playlists and hit ADD playlist, name it...put what ever songs on it there.

There are check marks beside each song in the playlists. I know how to create a new playlist and also that there are workarounds like I described above to drag-n-drop playlists individually (this works with my phone). The main question is why are new playlists not showing up in the iphone "music tab" of Itunes so I can sync them all at once.
There are check marks beside each song in the playlists. I know how to create a new playlist and also that there are workarounds like I described above to drag-n-drop playlists individually (this works with my phone). The main question is why are new playlists not showing up in the iphone "music tab" of Itunes so I can sync them all at once.

AND I ALREADY KNOW WHAT YOUR MAIN QUESTIONS IS. I don't know why, but they're 3 or 4 other ways of doing it (syncing playlist's),that you seem to already know,,,,Sorry, every action doesn't work for everyone's phone. If it was a lot more work than the other ways (which it's not), than i could understand. Now, with that said...Just an idea...Deauthorizing itunes or Authorize bring up an idea. I'm not sure.. And again, i tried to help since nobody else gave you a reply.. Good luck with it.
Being rude to someone that's trying to help isn't a very good idea. It's going to make others reluctant to assist.
Being rude to someone that's trying to help isn't a very good idea. It's going to make others reluctant to assist.

Was that directed my way? My intent wasn't rude at all, I'm just trying to figure out why Itunes no longer shows newly created playlists (old ones are there) in that area. I know about workarounds, but they don't address a reason or fix for functions that used to work and make itunes a better experience. I told the ObuckiO that I appreciated him/her checking, but i'd rather not add a bunch of replies that take away from the focus of the original question. Again, my intent was appreciative for anyone that could help.
I understand the frustration with the playlists not syncing automatically into the iPhone playlist options. Often I don't consider taking extra steps to have these playlists show up on my iPhone until it's too late and I am in a situation where I'm not able to access my Mac, but want to use my iPhone with a receiver, (say at a party).

I didn't see debudebu's persistence as rude at all. I too was hoping to find a reason for the glitch, and the possibilty of a onetime adjustment to have all the lists sync.

Debudebu was able to do this without 'shoutin. That seems reasonable to me.
I understand the frustration with the playlists not syncing automatically into the iPhone playlist options. Often I don't consider taking extra steps to have these playlists show up on my iPhone until it's too late and I am in a situation where I'm not able to access my Mac, but want to use my iPhone with a receiver, (say at a party).

I didn't see debudebu's persistence as rude at all. I too was hoping to find a reason for the glitch, and the possibilty of a onetime adjustment to have all the lists sync.

Debudebu was able to do this without 'shoutin. That seems reasonable to me.

Thanks. I was making do with the workaround of just drag-n-dropping them individually from where they were created to the area that shows the connected devices above (the iphone). Well, now when I drag a playlist and hover over the iphone area it turns a darker shade of blue and the + sign comes up showing that they should sync with that method like usual - but now nothing happens there when dropping there either... :(
Was this issue ever resolved?

I've had the same problem for years. iTunes shows all my playlists, but when I click on my iPhone (under Devices on the left directory) and go to the music tab, only a small subset of my iTunes playlists actually show up as options to click. I used to have the problem with my iPhone 3GS and now still have the problem with my new iPhone 4S. Very frustrating.
I've had this same issue, but it has started only very recently. I just factory rest, and made it a new phone (meaning did not restore to backup) and the behavior still persists. Has anyone called Apple about it? I still have Apple Care on my phone for a little over a month, so I might call them Saturday. If no one has I'll report here after I talk to Apple (unless I hear someone has and they were of not use). This issue is super frustrating as I've begun to depend on the play list function for the Nike app.

I'll do some other digging around, and if I hear anything before I call Apple I'll report here.
Possibly An iCloud issue

Don't know if this is it or not, but I just went through it with my daughter's iPod.
Playlists in iTunes show the plethora available; Extremely truncated list in the Music>Playlists tab of the iPod.

Noticed that one of the playlists was 100% iCloud - so I downloaded it to the computer and it immediately showed up in the Music>Playlists tab of the iPod.

Might have a look and see if that could be the inhibiting factor for you as well.

All my Best!

you guys experiencing the same issue, is your itunes on a Mac or PC?
Mine's on a PC and I think it was because at one point I synced playlists from Media Monkey into my iphone/ipad that is causing this issue.

Still, I've deleted any reference to that app and done some reinstalls but I'm still having the issue. It must be something esoteric Apple doesn't care about because it's on a PC and the cynical part of me says they just want me fully on their platform.
Playlist Fix for iOS (For playlist in iTunes but not in iPhone etc)

You may find that a playlist on your iTunes account doesn't show on your iDevice. They may have before but recently stopped or perhaps never showed up.

An iOS playlist, using cloud, requires that all items in playlist are valid cloud files. As soon as they are the playlist will show on your device right away. You don't need to cable sync or even wirless sync. It should show up fast on the iOS device if other major network stuff isn't going on.

Making a perfect iOS Music Playlist requires eliminating 100% of the items in the playlist that are not "cloud compatible" from Apple's perspective: Basically if a file isn't on the cloud it can't be on your playlist+++.

Things I often fix- (There may be more)
  1. Remove All videos (or music video) +++yes they are on the cloud but can't me mixed with music playlists
  2. Remove All ineligible Cloud files((i.e.56Kbs, Voice Memos, Licensing Restrictions etc)
  3. Files needs to be matched or purchased.
  • In some cases a file that is being reviewed by cloud will show in ios as grey but it not playble until matched. this will not prevent playlist from showing
  • And and
Check your prerequisites and other obvious stuff(if only allow checked time in prefs make sure they are checked etc.).​

Just for Review Match Requirements must be met.
You must have:
  • An iTunes account
  • iTunes 10.5.1 or higher
  • iOS 5.0.1 or higher
  • iPhone 3GS or higher, 3rd generation iPod touch or higher, all iPad models

  • Cloud with exclamation point - The song was not added to your iCloud account due to an error. Right click on the song and select Add to iCloud to attempt the upload again.
  • Cloud with line through it - The song is not eligible to be added to iCloud (reasons for this can include licensing restrictions).
  • Cloud with a line through it, with a second cloud behind it - The song is duplicated in iCloud. Click on the icon and you can choose whether to keep the duplicate it or delete it.
  • Cloud with downward arrow it - This song is stored in your iCloud account, but isn't in your current iTunes library. Click the icon to download it.
  • Cloud with an X in it - The song has been removed from your iCloud account via another computer that has access to it.
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created playlists don't show up in iphone's music tab (in Itunes)

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created playlists don't show up in iphone's music tab (in Itunes)

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Backup iTunes to get your playlist

Well I hope this helps. I had the same problem. I created a playlist on my phone and when I plugged it in everything but that list was syncing to iTunes on my PC. I did a backup to my PC and the playlist showed up. Also make sure the songs have been downloaded from icloud to sync any future changes from phone to iTunes- PC. After that of course, File>Devices>Sync iPhone while you're in the playlist tab (not sure if that matters) and all is good in the land of iTunes.
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I had the same problem. Here is what worked for me:
I had converted some mp4 music videos to mp3s. The mp3s would play in iTunes, but would not sync. So I converted them to wav files.
After clicking on my device in iTunes, then I clicked on "Music" across the top, and made sure my playlist was selected.

After sync'ing, everything showed up.
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