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macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 11, 2006

I want to creat a portfolio in which I can either click on a forward or backward arrow to view different images that show up in the same spot. Is is possible to get the arrows to show different pictures using behaviors in Dreamweaver? I mean, can you click on the same arrow and expect it to show different consecutive images each time? If so what kind of behavior do I need to use?
I don't want to use any flash stuff.

I hope that makes sense.



I want to stack the portfolio images on top of one another, then be able to click the same forward arrow key over and over to view the entire stack. I don't want it to be an automatic slide show, but one that is controlled by the viewer. In other words the view must press the arrow key for something to happen.
Is this possible using behaviors in Dreamweaver?
First of all take a look at Spry from Adobe, maybe you could use that. It's not so complicated and does a little more than you asked for.

Another way would be to use layers and have the next button show/hide layers with your picture and button in the same layer. That way when the image changes so does the button. Each button can then have its own link to show the next layer.

If you need more help please just ask and I will try and make a demo for you.
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