I have 2 questions....
1. How would I import say a kick and a snare from my current sound libraries, assign then to a key on a keyboard, and then record them in GarageBand in order to create my own drum patterns.
2. Lets say I've created some really hot hip hop tracks with Garage Band on my computer that I've let some artist hear. And let's say they decide to use my track on their album. What do I need to do to get the track from my computer and into a say, Sony Studios, so that the artist could record there. I guess basically what I'm asking is how could I transport my music in a format that would be easy enough to take into another studio?
1. How would I import say a kick and a snare from my current sound libraries, assign then to a key on a keyboard, and then record them in GarageBand in order to create my own drum patterns.
2. Lets say I've created some really hot hip hop tracks with Garage Band on my computer that I've let some artist hear. And let's say they decide to use my track on their album. What do I need to do to get the track from my computer and into a say, Sony Studios, so that the artist could record there. I guess basically what I'm asking is how could I transport my music in a format that would be easy enough to take into another studio?