I have been using the “ create PDF “ function built into IOS 11 to store Safari files in Notes.
Any article in Safari that I wish to keep ( eg - IPad hints etc) - I create a PDF and then save it to Apple Notes. Some of these articles are fairly long but Ihave noticed that it is only making a PDF of about half the article. For example - if the article is “11 Tips for using an iPad” - the PDF will only capture the first 5 or 6. I’m a bit baffled as to why ? Is there a limit to length that the PDF converter will make ? Or is there a setting I am misssing ?
I hadn’t noticed this for a while - thinking how great it was that I had all this reference material for later viewing ! Only to discover half of it was missing.
Any ideas ?
Any article in Safari that I wish to keep ( eg - IPad hints etc) - I create a PDF and then save it to Apple Notes. Some of these articles are fairly long but Ihave noticed that it is only making a PDF of about half the article. For example - if the article is “11 Tips for using an iPad” - the PDF will only capture the first 5 or 6. I’m a bit baffled as to why ? Is there a limit to length that the PDF converter will make ? Or is there a setting I am misssing ?
I hadn’t noticed this for a while - thinking how great it was that I had all this reference material for later viewing ! Only to discover half of it was missing.
Any ideas ?