Hi, I am newbie in XCode programming. I am trying to learn how to create plugins for an application. Thereotically I understood how to create plugins.
I have gone thru copule of websites lilke http://cocoadevcentral.com/articles/000068.php and http://developer.apple.com/documentation/cocoa/conceptual/loadingcode/concepts/plugins.html
I ended up in confusion where to add the code. I couldn't trace it up.
Can any body send me some simple application or link to the plugin applications where I can easily understand? Please help me !!!!!!!!!!
I have gone thru copule of websites lilke http://cocoadevcentral.com/articles/000068.php and http://developer.apple.com/documentation/cocoa/conceptual/loadingcode/concepts/plugins.html
I ended up in confusion where to add the code. I couldn't trace it up.
Can any body send me some simple application or link to the plugin applications where I can easily understand? Please help me !!!!!!!!!!