also getting a credit card is not a good way to build up your credit history.
They can hurt you score a lot more than help it. A better way to build up a credit history is to get a car loan, pay several bills in your name (cell phones, rent, power cable and so on).
Yeah I got a credit card this year in my name but the credit backing it isnt exaclty my own. My dad co signed for it and the limited is only 750 and yes I have max it out a few times but that was with text books but it also paid off at the end of month.
Yeah I am building a credit history right now but it about to get a huge boost over the next year or so because I renting a house and it my name on the lease. Also going to have a few bills in my name and that is going to make a much larger difference in my credit history than any thing else.
They can hurt you score a lot more than help it. A better way to build up a credit history is to get a car loan, pay several bills in your name (cell phones, rent, power cable and so on).
Yeah I got a credit card this year in my name but the credit backing it isnt exaclty my own. My dad co signed for it and the limited is only 750 and yes I have max it out a few times but that was with text books but it also paid off at the end of month.
Yeah I am building a credit history right now but it about to get a huge boost over the next year or so because I renting a house and it my name on the lease. Also going to have a few bills in my name and that is going to make a much larger difference in my credit history than any thing else.