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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 11, 2007
I just got back from the trip this past weekend and took a series of photographs that I was able to stitch together and create a panorama from. I was pleased with the results, but wanted to see what everyone here thought. This is my first posted photograph for critique, so don't hold comments back since there is a good chance I haven't heard it before :)

The picture was taken in the White Cloud Mountains located near Stanley, ID, on our way to climb Patterson Peak.

EDIT: Changed URL to a faster server.


macrumors 6502
Jan 12, 2007
I just got back from the trip this past weekend and took a series of photographs that I was able to stitch together and create a panorama from. I was pleased with the results, but wanted to see what everyone here thought. This is my first posted photograph for critique, so don't hold comments back since there is a good chance I haven't heard it before :)

The picture was taken in the White Cloud Mountains located near Stanley, ID, on our way to climb Patterson Peak.

Google "Enblend"


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 11, 2007

I did and will need to wait until I get home to try that out. I did not notice much banding/color difference where the images overlap, but will see if this improves it.


macrumors 65816
Jul 16, 2007
Absolutely beautiful picture. There's little I can suggest, but here it goes:

Foreground Interest
Something close to the camera in the picture would be nice-perhaps taking it from a lower perspective? I realize this is difficult with a multi-shot panorama.

Point of Interest
What pulls my eye is that ridge just to the right of center in the photo. It's really a great feature--something I'd hope to see more of in the foreground--but maybe put it to the side a bit more? I'm trying to find ways to improve this shot, but I'm grabbing at straws!


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 11, 2007
Absolutely beautiful picture. There's little I can suggest, but here it goes:

Foreground Interest
Something close to the camera in the picture would be nice-perhaps taking it from a lower perspective? I realize this is difficult with a multi-shot panorama.

Point of Interest
What pulls my eye is that ridge just to the right of center in the photo. It's really a great feature--something I'd hope to see more of in the foreground--but maybe put it to the side a bit more? I'm trying to find ways to improve this shot, but I'm grabbing at straws!

Thanks for the compliments! I took a look at the picture and was unable to get more lower information from the scene. I like the right side of the picture more, but unfortunately someone walked in front of the camera on the far right and I had to crop him out.

I went ahead and updated my flickr gallery with a second version of the picture. I eased up the saturation and brought out some other colors, so let me know how it looks!

Second Version
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