Hey guys, working on my new site, wondering if you have some feedback / suggestions.
Not an empty shell, as there are almost 50 articles on it already. =)
Site is http://www.ObamaPacman.com
What is it:
- Profiles of famous / celebrity / important Mac users.
- Future: guides, and reviews
Like it? Need improvement? If something don't do it for you, please say how you would improve it. Thanks much. Any promotional ideas would be great too.
If you are in NoVA area and knows php, send me a PM. Looking to get a quote on some modifications. I already have a bunch of improvements on a list and wondering how much it would cost to implement.
Not an empty shell, as there are almost 50 articles on it already. =)
Site is http://www.ObamaPacman.com
What is it:
- Profiles of famous / celebrity / important Mac users.
- Future: guides, and reviews
Like it? Need improvement? If something don't do it for you, please say how you would improve it. Thanks much. Any promotional ideas would be great too.
If you are in NoVA area and knows php, send me a PM. Looking to get a quote on some modifications. I already have a bunch of improvements on a list and wondering how much it would cost to implement.