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macrumors 68040
Jan 25, 2002
in transit
They look nice, but it's hard to pick out the main subject in both. Is it the flag? The field? The carts? It's a little unclear.


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Nov 16, 2006
New York City
They look nice, but it's hard to pick out the main subject in both. Is it the flag? The field? The carts? It's a little unclear.

Well, its harder to single one thing out with the wide angle but that is something I'll try to focus on more. Honestly, I was aiming for the flag in one and the clouds in the other.


macrumors newbie
Jul 8, 2006
Beautiful sky. The sky has always been one of my favorite subjects. No two days are identical. Like job said though the subject is somewhat hard to pick out. Try to think when you take a picture what is going to draw the attention of the viewer. It can be hard to do this objectively while shooting epically when you know what you're trying to get across in a given photo. Looking foreword to seeing more work.


macrumors 601
Feb 27, 2005
I find landscapes really boring, but that's just me. I hate when photographs lack a defined subject, which seems to be the case in 95% of landscape photography.

But nothing wrong with your stuff, just ranting. :p


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Nov 16, 2006
New York City
I find landscapes really boring, but that's just me. I hate when photographs lack a defined subject, which seems to be the case in 95% of landscape photography.

But nothing wrong with your stuff, just ranting. :p

Sadly I'm going to have to cough up some more $$ if I want to go facial / super defined stuff. Right now I've got a 12mm-24mm lens and a 300mm fixed lens which is great for far away but I've got no mid range.


macrumors 68040
Jan 25, 2002
in transit
Well, its harder to single one thing out with the wide angle but that is something I'll try to focus on more. Honestly, I was aiming for the flag in one and the clouds in the other.

I find landscapes really boring, but that's just me. I hate when photographs lack a defined subject, which seems to be the case in 95% of landscape photography.

But nothing wrong with your stuff, just ranting. :p

Sadly I'm going to have to cough up some more $$ if I want to go facial / super defined stuff. Right now I've got a 12mm-24mm lens and a 300mm fixed lens which is great for far away but I've got no mid range.

Re Lack of subject in wide-angles...

I think you can use wide-angles very effectively in focusing the image on a single subject.

Example 1:


This picture was taken from the Sigma 10-20mm group on Flickr, but it shows how even wide-angles can be used to focus in on a particular item/subject.

Example 2:


This image was taken from the same Flickr group, and like the pictures you posted above, deals with a landscape with a few man-made objects. The difference here is that there is a definite central point in the image that draws the attention of the eye. I didn't notice a single point in your pictures that my eyes immediately went to. It's possible because the pictures were taken straight on, without any angles or really any depth.

In both of the examples I posted though, there are certain points in each that draw the eye of the viewer. These are not always the subjects, but certainly make the image much more interesting. If your eyes are running all over the image looking for a point to focus on, you may want to consider re-composing.

Still though, keep shooting. Practice makes perfect. :)


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Nov 16, 2006
New York City
added a new photo to flickr

It has got a more defined subject then the first two. Any tips on enhancing the ball so that the location (in relation to the bat) is more obvious?


macrumors 6502
Sep 2, 2006
The fence is too distracting in the foreground, next time you look for a picture like this, get to the side of the fence, never shoot behind it if possible, A distracting foreground is much less forgiving then a slightly off position shot


macrumors 68040
Dec 30, 2006
Wherever I hang my hat...
Don't want to be unkind... but these are snapshots. You've stood somewhere, with your camera... and you've pressed the shutter. Not much to critique, really, as far as these shots are concerned. You just need to go and take a few thousand pictures... and learn the basics. In musical terms, you've bought a guitar... now it's time to learn a few chords. :)


macrumors 6502a
Apr 18, 2003
RI -> CA -> ME
Ok, so here is the hit picture.
As others have said, the fence is ugly. Given the DOF, you could probably walk right up to the fence and shoot through one of the gaps, still get the angle you wanted, but no distracting crowd or fence.

click for larger

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