Please do. Then you can avoid being accused of just trying to drive traffic to your site (which is against the rules here). Also, some people have chosen to not see signatures, so you might wanna include the links in the post itself.If you think I'm trying to do shameless self promotion I can just post the logos on here![]()
I've read the article before thanks, care to elaborate?
Your logos are way too complex. Get rid of the shadows, textures, gradients, outlines. If you want to add fancy stuff, make a simple one first and add it in later.
You present a single concept for each site. In the logo design process, there are generally scores of initial sketches made before distilling a few promising directions. Each of your logos looks like an initial concept that has been taken directly to "print." Though not quite as permanent, your request is akin to someone buying shoes, wearing them outside, and then asking others what they think of them.
What in the "TECKABLE" logo communicates technology to you? Are you satisfied with the mere sound of the word? It is not a particularly inventive design. Thirty years ago I did something similar (Avant Garde with arrows). You get a couple of points for crafting your own typeface. However, the interlocking quasi-ligatures interfere with optimum kerning (same problem I had with Avant Garde). The "T" horizontal stroke appears too thick; diagonal strokes appear too thin; the "C" looks unfinished; some letters are optically too short. Nevertheless, you've jazzed it up with some Photoshop effects to improve the appearance. (Item #2 in 10 Common Mistakes...)
The "BLITERATE" layout is clean but the primary logotype is very bad. In this case, even the textures and drop shadows can't save it. Pick another font and don't fill in the counters. The crown is not particularly unique but it appears you can replace that with whatever clipart is available to suit your needs.
The blogs themselves are far from cluttered though I find it difficult to identify a blog theme for Bliterate. Clicking "Style," "Design," "Tech," or "Gear" does not appear to change the content. Can't a tech gadget be stylish? Isn't everything designed? Is the latest gear in style? I don't quite understand the categories.
The TECKABLE blog is self-explanatory. It just seems rather odd that the links take visitors to much more comprehensive tech blogs. This begs the question: "Why waste time at TECKABLE?"
Nevertheless, you've jazzed it up with some Photoshop effects to improve the appearance. (Item #2 in 10 Common Mistakes...)
So am I never supposed to use a gradient or shadow? I feel like it's just a giant taboo in the design world and no one can ever use them again.
Teckable. What does that mean? Are you trying to combine 2 words "Teck" and "Able" to have a double meaning? What is the meaning of Teck? Do you mean "Tech" as in Technical? It's not working for me because there is no K in technical and so it's trying to hard to make a connection. Is that your last name? If it were, then it might be clever... but as it stands now, not so much.
Not going to comment too much about the logotypes other to say that I agree with the other posters. They are a bit unfinished and contrived. They each have a decent start but need to go through several more rounds of crit and revisions before you even think of taking it into Photoshop. Logos that are designed in Photoshop look like they are designed in Photoshop if you know what I mean. If not then I'll explain it by asking a question. How many thumbnails and half-scale sketches did you do before coming up with those designs? My guess is few to none. I know a lot of really good designers and none of them are able to do a good logo without sketching and refining it first. There is no shortcut unless you have YEARS of experience to fall back on.
Good luck with all that. Now you know why good Designers charge what they do.