Never heard that from you before.
Short on work?
Not short on work, I'm actually quite busy. But, I don't understand how your comment adds to the discussion, other than to illustrate what kind of person you are.
Here, let me spell it out for you....
Some people should focus on operating their business and leave the branding/design to people who know how to do that. As a consumer, I tend to avoid businesses that advertise with poorly done design unless I'm looking for someone to plunge my toilet or mow my lawn. Poorly done design says that the business doesn't understand quality or they are cheap and cut corners. It sets the tone of the their message and that is usually negative. I am amazed at how many start up businesses I've dealt with that won't hesitate to invest in new computers, office space, a new "company" car, but don't want to spend anything towards hiring someone to help them create their identity. Of course, most of those businesses go belly-up because they don't know how to allocate their resources. Name one highly visible and successful business that doesn't have a good brand and creative team behind it. You really think the owners come up with the concepts and design?