Can you please give me some constructive criticism on my latest piece of digital art. It took me about 14 days using Photoshop; its got more layers than any of my previous pieces
---Thanks for giving me the benefit of the doubt, I forgot to include the "Now I know you didn't make this and are simply employing a more creative way of bashing BAD design/art" in my original response....
Anyways, what the hell..... The more I look at it, the more confused I am.
Or maybe I am simply too layman to appreciate the excellence of the layer styles on the title text...
I'd have angled the front tire further away. It's too foreshortened.
And that way, Lady Gaga's body would be more turned away, like she's snapped her head towards you and given you one of those "HISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!" things.