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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 14, 2006

For a local music venues under 18 music night type thing.

I'm thinking of changing the colours (maybe) but I'm not sure to what. Here are the sites of the two groups involved:

What do you think? Any help = appreciated. It's only really the colours that I want to change...
I like the posters. I like the colors. Very creative. The pink at the top will def catch the eye on the street. Maybe the lettering on the orange would stand out better if it were all pink. That's a big maybe, I like the transition. Nice job.

What does ::Under 18's mean? Perhaps it's a British term for advertising age acceptance. In the US we would say 18 admitted with ID or something. Drinking age is 21, so admitting 18's is rare.
You have to be Under 18 to get in - it's basically another way of saying there won't be any alcohol being sold.

The place is a very well established venue in the city - Big Country, Nazereth and The Skins have all played there (admittedly not huge bands but the most famous to ever leave here) - and it's reopening on 10th of June. The place opens at 5, bands (who are all young bands - so under 20ish) will play till 8 then the bar opens and a few other bands will play for teh rest of the night.

It's all just a way of getting young bands gigs in the city.
IN fairness, there will be if you're over 18 >_> You just have ot go to the bar instead of a waitress coming to you....

Also, version 2 :
Definitely prefer the first one.
Don't like the way you've put 'five£' but that's my own opinion.
Nice job, like it.

I made a decison to put write five instead of 5 and £five looks much weirder and is also pronounced backwards....

So yeah. I thought people would prefer the 2nd version. I'm sending them to the slient so they can decide what they want.
jive said:
I made a decison to put write five instead of 5 and £five looks much weirder and is also pronounced backwards....

So yeah. I thought people would prefer the 2nd version. I'm sending them to the slient so they can decide what they want.

no dont send the second "black" one. it kills it. let the b&w image stand out against the color. the information is set apart by the color and the composition, although a little forced worked way better with the color.

dont let them see the black one. its not as good yet thats what they will pick because thats always what happens.

This is the 3rd version. The even has (sort of) been renamed to elementary - it'll be a lot of the bands first gigs on stage in front of other people than just there friends.
Under 18? Oh.. because you can drink at 18 in England? Just clicked with me. That really limits the talent that's going to be going in there. Oh well. Nice poster.
I think the "five until eight" needs to read "5 until 8".

My first response reading the poster was that there was no time mentioned. Having the numerals rather than text helps to isolate the time from the rest of the poster. Also i prefer version 2.

Nice design otherwise!
This is partly due to the post background (it might look better on a wall or something), but I found the colored areas and the picture felt disconnected. Not entirely sure what to do about it though.
Check out for creative ideas, other gig posters, a forum of all things posters and you can have other designers critique your work.

I like the "3 bands 3 hours" better. Much more memorable imo. What are the bands like, are they punk, pop, rock/alternative, etc.

edit: Oh, and here's another poster designer you might be interested in,
I highly disagree with the gradient used in the bottom. I like the nice solid magenta you used in the top, and would like to see the bottom color solid as well. I am not 100% against gradients, I just feel there is a time and place to use it.
I like them both, although I lean to the top one. (I'm a big fan of orange and not a big fan of pink+black. JM ever-so-HO.)

The one thing that caught my eye (like a fish hook) was the cover charge statement: "five£"?

To me, it looks dreadful with the £ hanging there on the end. Does "£5" look so square? Is "£five" too L7?

Really, it's a tiny thing. I think the posters are a crack job!
Awful Typography

I think the typeface feels 'elementary' and clunky. There is a lack of a strong sense of hierarchy within the type. In terms of color, you might say the type is very grey, with no contrast or variation. I might reconsider the positioning of the elements on the page. More specifically, the venue date/time, sponsor logos and contact information. You are filling every bit of space in that container, and it looks awkward.

Why three arrows? Is it because of three hours? If so, then what happens to the concept if it is changed from 3 bands 3 hours to elementary? Concept is King, and I don't see much that sets this poster apart from any other posters. If I saw it walking down the street, I probably would not stop to give it a second look.

That being said, consider the purpose of a poster. Who is the audience and where will they primarily be seeing it? Look at other posters/flyers/etc., what do the successful ones all share in common?

No appologies here for being harsh. I understand where you might be in your thought processes, however, I think you need to push everything farther, starting with a strong concept. You will find the farther you go that without a concept, a project is doomed to fall apart. Find it, exploit it and make it work for you.
i would definitely get away from Myriad here.. i dunno your justification for using it, but to me it's just not right for your design or your audience.

and ditch the gradient.. the arrows don't bother me, other than the fact that they are oddly curved and i prefer straight, but hey that's just me. :)
i liked the first one more so than the second. i don't know if this is a big deal or not but the smaller arrow on the there a reason why it doesnt continue all the way up like the other two? maybe try having all the arrows start from the top.
try to do something more with the photo.. the color part is well done; but the contrast with the more or less 'cheap' photo is in my opinion to big.. maybe duotoon.. just my opinion.
I am not an art major, I'm not trendy, I'm a middle-aged american rather than a uk teenager, and therefore my negative reaction to it might mean it's well-tailored to appeal to its target audience...

...but it looks like a black-and-white poster of a guitar player at which some drunken vandal has thrown lurid-colored eggs, which are dripping down the page.

And it's too busy.
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