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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 22, 2004
here's the idea.

get kde running on osx thru x-11 and fink, then use WINE or whatever its called to run steam which runs CS!!!
well? what do you think? :) is it possible?
if not, is there any other way to play cs on mac?
Good Question

I too have been hoping there is a way to play Counter-Strike on the Mac. However, I thought that using Virtual PC might be a better route. After sampling the current iteration of VPC, however, I've come to the conclusion that Windows XP on VPC will yield a framerate of less than 1 frame per second. However, Windows 2000 might be a better bet.

I think using KDE and WINE would be far more taxing, chiefly because you are using multiple emulators; further, I'm not sure whether WINE was designed for the PowerPC architecture.

I'm also a CS addict; I'm more a 1.5 man myself, but I've been playing 1.6 lately. I am very unhappy with the lack of updates in CZ, and as such, I refuse to play it. However, to satiate my need for CS, I think I'm going to get a ThinkPad. If I were you, I'd check out eBay for some laptop deals. You can probably get a used notebook that is more than sufficient to play CS for less than you'd pay for VPC and the Windows OS.

If you do figure out a way to play CS on the Mac, be sure to post it ASAP.

Mike LaRiviere
People don't seem to understand WINE is not an emulator. This is why it can only run under x86 architecture. It simply provides an API for Windows in Linux.
i suppose that one day you may theoretically be able to run it through darwine, but it would still be very very very slow. you can download qemu right now from the darwine site and run x86 oses on your mac. download a reactos image and boot it up - it is unbearably slow.
Lets just wait for VPC7 and see if MS fullfills our dreams. Dreams which were stolen from us by MS.
well, what ever happened to fricken realpc? that was supposed to blow us away, but it's been 6 months after it was supposed to be released.... reality is, it will just suck... ass....
what if someone tried to port cs to mac?
If you really want to play Counter-Strike that bad, go get a $150 XBox, or build yourself a PC for about the same amount, god knows you only need like a 133mhz processor or some ****.

Honestly, can we move on to a better game, please? There are better games out there, you know.
themacace said:
well, what ever happened to fricken realpc? that was supposed to blow us away, but it's been 6 months after it was supposed to be released.... reality is, it will just suck... ass....
what if someone tried to port cs to mac?

RealPc was vaporware. They closed down.

"According to the statement, claims by the previous management were false, and a revised RealPC project had not even been restarted -- much less close to completion."
No Better Games

There are no better games than CS. If you think there are better games, then you have no business posting in this forum. Post some games that you think are better if you're looking to start a post war with any CS player on these forums.

Mike LaRiviere
Yeah, it's pretty much undeniable... Counter-Strike is the best game ever made.


Lee Tom
MikeLaRiviere said:
There are no better games than CS. If you think there are better games, then you have no business posting in this forum. Post some games that you think are better if you're looking to start a post war with any CS player on these forums.

Mike LaRiviere

I've played CS, it's a good game but there's no need to make such sweeping claims.
Arguing that CS is the best game ever, is like arguing that Green is the best color. Both are statement of opinion.

In reality the "best" game (sales) would be either Sims or SMB3 - don't know which of the 2 had more sales though.

I'd like CS but I'm not gonna get a $150 box to play it. If someone is to port it, they'd need Valve's source - which I wish they'd give away. HL2 would be harder to port because of the pure DX9 that's used. HL was ported (single-player game) but never was released for the Mac because Valve couldn't figure out the networking part (plus it'd have been in OS9, AppleTalk) to get it work with the PCs. Rather than giving the source to a porting company to work with, Valve discontinued production.
Actually CS is the Best Game Ever

Any avid player of CS will tell you that CS is the best game ever. And considering that CS is the most popular online game (i.e., the most players), then more people will tell you that CS is the best game than anyone else.

Mike LaRiviere
MikeLaRiviere said:
Any avid player of CS will tell you that CS is the best game ever. And considering that CS is the most popular online game (i.e., the most players), then more people will tell you that CS is the best game than anyone else.

Mike LaRiviere

They may tell me that, if they could stop saying OMGWTFBBQ OWNT long enough to get the words out.

It's the most played online game, but windows is the most used operating system, and is that the best?

A. It's all opinion.
B. Your system for judging 'greatness' is wrong.
C. Other games have probably sold more copies.
Wes said:
A. It's all opinion.
B. Your system for judging 'greatness' is wrong.
C. Other games have probably sold more copies.

And don't forget:


Lee Tom
Wes said:
They may tell me that, if they could stop saying OMGWTFBBQ OWNT long enough to get the words out.

It's the most played online game, but windows is the most used operating system, and is that the best?

A. It's all opinion.
B. Your system for judging 'greatness' is wrong.
C. Other games have probably sold more copies.

I play Counter-Strike, and I don't act anything like you say.... And it sucks that you think CS players are all like that. It is the number one online game, but it is certainly not the best, neither graphically nor in gameplay. It is fun, though, and I play it on my xbox with live...

So instead of playing CS on a mac, people, buy a new xbox, CS, and a three month xbox live subscription for the cost of VPC. It's a good alternative.
i prefer mouse and keyboard for shooters, so the xbox is out of the question. best solution: don't switch. have the best of both worlds.
Capt Underpants said:
I play Counter-Strike, and I don't act anything like you say.... And it sucks that you think CS players are all like that.

I play Counter-Strike sometimes and quite a few of the players act like that. It's funny, the stereotypical gamer kids.
You Play..

You play CS, but you're not a CS player then. Sorry. And to the person attempting to write in 1337 speak, I think you were trying to say something along these lines:

bbq just pwned j00


that guy is definitely h@xx0r1ng.

And no, CS players don't talk like that, only nubs. And I realize that I just wrote nub.

Mike LaRiviere
Good Point

Wes, that's probably a good point, considering how much of my time it has eaten up. You should therefore consider yourself lucky...

Mike LaRiviere
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