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macrumors regular
Original poster
Apr 1, 2006
at large
I have recently started shooting Raw files and using Adobe Bridge and CS2. However my powerbook G4 667mhz (1GB, 5400 HD, 20” Dell) doesn’t seem to be up to the task. I am fine with the performance of CS2 with jpeg’s, but making adjustments and previews with Raw files is just to slow.

How much of a performance boost would a 1.5ghz Core Solo Mini would give me with Canon Raw files from a 20D? I am looking at a refurb 1.5 mini and adding 1 or 2GB of ram, running CS2, Bridge and maybe LightZone.

Was wondering if anyone is using these apps with a Solo Mini and how they run. I’m not looking for much, just to be able to smoothly play around with a couple files a night. I don’t plan to upgrade to CS3, so the buy now and it will work great later idea is not for me. Unfortunately my local Apple store does not have CS2 installed on a mini, which in itself can’t be a good sign - any thoughts would be appreciated.


macrumors 6502
Feb 13, 2006
Well I dont have a Intel Mini, but I do have a PPC Mini and do alot of editing with RAW files from my Nikon. Each files size is 6-7MB in size.

I havent had any issues with editing RAW files or anything. I would assume your problem is with the slower CPU speed.

However, CS2 isnt universal yet, I dont know how it would work under Roseta.

Give Lightroom a try - its from Adobe as well.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Apr 1, 2006
at large
Thanks for the reply, I am really wondering how CS2 and Bridge run on a 1.5 intel mini, and I just can't buy a new ppc.

I have used Lightroom, but it is again a little sluggish (most likely due to my system) plus I would have to buy it at some point.

Again, not looking for much, just want to avoid that feeling of dread when you move the slider a bit and the beachball pops up, then spins, and spins some more...


macrumors 6502
Feb 13, 2006
I've read on a couple of other forums that I visit that CS2 is pretty much worthless on a Intel system, because of non-UB version.

Is there any particular reason why you are using CS2 of CS?


macrumors G5
JGruber said:
I've read on a couple of other forums that I visit that CS2 is pretty much worthless on a Intel system, because of non-UB version.

Is there any particular reason why you are using CS2 of CS?
In the absence of personal experience, repeating this misinformation is singularly uninformative.

Many, many people are using CS2 on intel, and doing so professionally. The non-UB code runs under Rosetta, the consensus is that it runs at high-end G4 speeds but is not as fast as a dual G5. This will vary considerably with the exact type of functions being used. A Core Solo machine however is the worst possible choice to buy for graphics applications, however.

Why CS2? Perhaps because it is the only version of the Adobe apps that can be purchased at the moment?


macrumors 6502
Feb 13, 2006
CanadaRAM said:
In the absence of personal experience, repeating this misinformation is singularly uninformative.

Many, many people are using CS2 on intel, and doing so professionally. The non-UB code runs under Rosetta, the consensus is that it runs at high-end G4 speeds but is not as fast as a dual G5. This will vary considerably with the exact type of functions being used. A Core Solo machine however is the worst possible choice to buy for graphics applications, however.

Why CS2? Perhaps because it is the only version of the Adobe apps that can be purchased at the moment?

Well then I stand corrected. I don't have an Intel Mac, so I cannot tell from experence.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Apr 1, 2006
at large
CanadaRAM said:
Why CS2? Perhaps because it is the only version of the Adobe apps that can be purchased at the moment?

I bought the Creative Suite in 2002 (PS6 with a free upgrade to PS7) before it was called CS and have only upgraded the PhototShop bit last year.

CanadaRAM said:
A Core Solo machine however is the worst possible choice to buy for graphics applications, however.

Yeah, I'm trying to do this on the cheap. Might have to just buy one and see how it goes, but it would give me hope if someone is using a solo mini for basic Raw photoshop CS2 use. Could always plan to swap out the chip in the future with a super speedy core whatevers.

Looks like there is a 10% return charge if you don't like your new Mac. Think I'm going to goto the store and talk to sales person and see what they say.


macrumors 68000
Dec 1, 2005
Don't know if this helps, but I'm running CS2 on my Intel iMac. Now, it's not a Core Solo, it's a 2GHz Core Duo with 2GB RAM. I went from an 800MHz G4 to this, using CS2 on both, and I still noticed a speed jump, even in Rosetta. Nothing to write home about, but it is still faster.
Haven't edited any RAW shots on here, yet, though.


macrumors 68030
Jul 17, 2001
NJ Highlands, Earth
iHotu said:
I have recently started shooting Raw files and using Adobe Bridge and CS2. However my powerbook G4 667mhz (1GB, 5400 HD, 20” Dell) doesn’t seem to be up to the task. I am fine with the performance of CS2 with jpeg’s, but making adjustments and previews with Raw files is just to slow.

FWIW, how are you finding the performance of Bridge?

I'm using Bridge to do batch-renames on my PowerMac SP 1.8GHz G5 (1.5 RAM) and finding it to be very slow as well as questionably stable.

To pull up a folder with ~500 images (half JPEG, half RAW), is "not too bad" and ditto a batch rename. But if I have a couple of thousand and try to do it all in one shot, it can take an hour or two (and then crash).



macrumors regular
Original poster
Apr 1, 2006
at large
-hh said:
FWIW, how are you finding the performance of Bridge?

I'm using Bridge to do batch-renames on my PowerMac SP 1.8GHz G5 (1.5 RAM) and finding it to be very slow as well as questionably stable.

To pull up a folder with ~500 images (half JPEG, half RAW), is "not too bad" and ditto a batch rename. But if I have a couple of thousand and try to do it all in one shot, it can take an hour or two (and then crash).


I use Bridge to review and organize, rarely with more then 50 files at a time. It is not fast, but once the thumbs are generated it works ok for me.

However using the Raw tools inside of Bridge is just too slow.

I'm running a 20" Dell at 1680x1050 with the 16MB graphics card, wonder if this is main issue or the speed of the 667 G4?


macrumors G4
May 26, 2005
Working for MI-6
iHotu, I say go for the 1.5GHz Core Solo Mac Mini. Even under Rosetta I am sure that you will get better performance for your stated tasks than you get on your 667MHz PowerBook G4. :)

iHotu said:
I'm running a 20" Dell at 1680x1050 with the 16MB graphics card, wonder if this is main issue or the speed of the 667 G4?

I think that both the video card and the processor cause the slowdown. :eek:


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
If it was a Core Duo, I'd say make the switch.

For PS CS2 and Bridge, I'd suggest you try and get a used or refurb G4 Mac Mini. You'll save money, and it'll be faster than a Core Solo running the same apps. The G4s weren't that slow, IMO. I ran PS on a 12" PowerBook with only a 1 GHz G4 proc and 1.25 GB of RAM. A faster G4 Mac Mini would blaze through processes when compared to what you and I used to run it on.
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