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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Apr 29, 2006
Woodland Hills
Hello. I'm still working on getting my Mac and recently I was playing around on with safari. My question is this. The number one thing i use on windows computers is ctrl + enter after i've typed in say "macrumors" which then transforms macrumors into Because i'm lazy I use this all the time and will die not having it.

Is there a way to do this in a mac (like some sort of key tricks)? or does safari do that with out having to push any thing besides enter?

for me i just type in "macrumors" and it automatically puts the http:// and .com of course Im not using safari, Im using Firefox
Yes there is a way. Next time just type Macrumors in the address bar and see what happens...;) ..

Edit: Mernak you beat me to it..
What happens if you use Spotlight? Cmd-space -> ? Or what if you have Quicksilver installed? <shortcut combo> -> ?

I can't test either of these right now (work PC) but those are the only things I can think of that may work.

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