I agree completely with regard to price/budget performance issues given time, etc. Eventually, my cMP will be finally EOL in the operating system (since it is already on the ragged edge of most of the newer features anway). Right now it does just what I need it to do at home, and with what I had on the shelf at home, could be customized at minimal expense to upgrade my home infrastructure. Were I looking to make a new or newish personal purchase, I would have to lean to iMac with some sort of massive external doc, given the age of the "n"MP in the market already. Moving away from PC Reference graphics cards in a pro machine was a mistake for Apple, and one they are going to need to correct if they decide this market is one they want to stay in. For me, right now, this is an experiment that is fun, allows me to tinker without exploding something really expensive if I screw it up, and is better than running my rMBP in clamshell mode as my home server which is what I have been doing.