I need to implement a data model with 2 field: y and x (this is like an "index") where values can be positive or negative and need to be float.
The array isn't the best way because it start from 0 to n and have a step of 1 while I need a model that can start from -100 and arrive to 120 with a step of 0.5 (for example).
I need to insert value at the end or at the beginning or in a determinated position (for example insert between index -50/-45) and search for some value given an index.
Which is the best way for do it?
The array isn't the best way because it start from 0 to n and have a step of 1 while I need a model that can start from -100 and arrive to 120 with a step of 0.5 (for example).
I need to insert value at the end or at the beginning or in a determinated position (for example insert between index -50/-45) and search for some value given an index.
Which is the best way for do it?