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macrumors member
Original poster
Oct 25, 2009
My company "TopLineSoft Systems" just released new keyboard app "Jumbo Key".

App "Jumbo Key" is a custom keyboard with the key size twice bigger than on regular keyboard. Large key size makes typing easy and comfortable, especially on smaller screen sizes.

AppStore Download Link

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macrumors member
Original poster
Oct 25, 2009
This sounds cool, but what I'd really love to see would be a number row on top, and a few punctuation keys as well.

Keyboard "Jumbo Key" provides the same set of characters as standard keyboard - letters (upper/lower case), digits, punctuation and other symbols. Please find demo video below.

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macrumors member
Original poster
Oct 25, 2009
App "Jumbo Key" is free for a limited time after update with TONS of changes - the keyboard is significantly easier to use now!

My company "TopLineSoft Systems" just released new keyboard app "Jumbo Key".

App "Jumbo Key" is a custom keyboard with the key size twice bigger than on regular keyboard. Large key size makes typing easy and comfortable, especially on smaller screen sizes.

AppStore Download Link

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