Hey there!
There's a great site zedge.net that has free ringtones, wallpapers, etc. You do have to sign up, the ringtones are sent directly to your phone through sms. I don't have an iPhone (11hrs to go) but I have a blackjack and it works beautifully.
That was probably the most stupid thing you could have said in a thread about the iPhone 3G - just so you could get in a link to a website, one that you probably operate.
Yeah, I'm doing this as we speak actually. Here's how I'm doing it:
1. Pick a song from your iTunes Library you want to turn into a ringtone.
2. Open up GarageBand, and create a new project (save as "Ringtone", etc.).
3. Drag the song from your iTunes Library into the GarageBand window.
4. Edit the song and choose the section(s) that you want to have played.
I usually take the good part(s) of the song and edit them together at the beginning of my track. My phone rings for about 20 seconds before going over to voicemail, so I try to fit the good part of the songs in the first 20 seconds of my track in GarageBand.
5. Go to Share menu > Export Song to Disk. Save song as an AAC file on Desktop.
6. Select song file on Desktop, rename the file to "NAMEOFSONG.m4r" (obviously... replace with the name of the song, and remove the quotes).
7. Double-click the file, which will add it in iTunes.
Sync your iPhone, and the song will be copied over to your ringtones settings!![]()
I forgot to mention that I have windows, no garage band on windows![]()
Yeah, I'm doing this as we speak actually. Here's how I'm doing it:
1. Pick a song from your iTunes Library you want to turn into a ringtone.
2. Open up GarageBand, and create a new project (save as "Ringtone", etc.).
Could anyone post intstructions on how to do it through Windows?
I have a 32 second, m4r format song that is in my ringtones section in iTunes. I have it checked to sync to my iPhone 3G. It says it syncs, but never appears there. Im new to this because before, I just used SSH to install the ringtone. What am I doing wrong?
Yeah, I'm doing this as we speak actually. Here's how I'm doing it:
1. Pick a song from your iTunes Library you want to turn into a ringtone.
2. Open up GarageBand, and create a new project (save as "Ringtone", etc.).
3. Drag the song from your iTunes Library into the GarageBand window.
4. Edit the song and choose the section(s) that you want to have played.
I usually take the good part(s) of the song and edit them together at the beginning of my track. My phone rings for about 20 seconds before going over to voicemail, so I try to fit the good part of the songs in the first 20 seconds of my track in GarageBand.
5. Go to Share menu > Export Song to Disk. Save song as an AAC file on Desktop.
6. Select song file on Desktop, rename the file to "NAMEOFSONG.m4r" (obviously... replace with the name of the song, and remove the quotes).
7. Double-click the file, which will add it in iTunes.
Sync your iPhone, and the song will be copied over to your ringtones settings!![]()
OK, I did this last year with no problems on my iPhone Gen1. Now, I am not able to get it to work. I get all the way to relabeling the AAC file on my desktop (it then shows "RING" on the icon), but when I open it, iTunes simplytreats it as a regular song and won't add it to the "ringtone" menu.
See above.
I had forgotten about myxer.com, thanks for the reminder.myxer.com is an easy way to get ringtones
My friend showed me this website: http://audiko.net/ . You just go to the site, upload a song you want to use and then select which section you want and it'll turn it into a ringtone that is compatible with the iPhone.
You can just use Itunes.
1. Select any MP3, right click and Get info
2. Go to Options and the select Start Time and Stop Time of your ringer. (No more than 30secs)
3. Click Ok and go back to the main Itunes windows with your song and convert it to Apple lossless (m4a).
4. Click and drag m4a file to desktop, then delete the one in Itunes.
5. Rename from ringer.m4a to ringer.M4R
6. Drag to Itunes and it will load on the Ringers folder.
7. Sync and you are done.