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macrumors member
Original poster
May 28, 2008
Can people who find that sensible please send feedback to Apple such that we can hope for a future update that allows for that?
I mean they finally allowed to customize ringtones but not sms tones? WTF
Why not just jailbreak if you feel so strongly? Apple have their ideas, the jailbreak community has different ones. Come over to the dark side, Luke. You'll enjoy it.

(BTW, your nickname would be great in Star Wars ;))
ive said this before...

seriously, what is apples beef with us customizing our SMS tones? it is a fundamental function of ANY cell phone, how is it NOT incorporated into this device?! its absurd!

i just dont understand their line of thought in locking users out of basic customization, especially something like an alert.

Changing my alert sounds was the PRIMARY reason i jailbroke my first, and current iPhones.

even though when im out in public my phone is on vibrate, i cant help but think how mundane it is when i hear someones stock alert sound go off. i almost feel bad. like apple expects us to be lemmings or something.

to the OP, take matters into your own hands, jailbreak your phone in 5 minutes, make your own alert sounds, be different and be happy :)
I just thought "aendaman" looked like a starwars-style alien name. Train of thought from the reference to the dark side. No offence! :)

I prefer to keep open all options - dark/bright/grey sides included ;) but i am not quite sure anymore
I jailroke my 3GS just so i could have custom sms sounds, only things i installed are SBSettings and winterboard.

all i need really, i might put status notifier on but i dont want to much on my iphone.
I jailroke my 3GS just so i could have custom sms sounds, only things i installed are SBSettings and winterboard.

all i need really, i might put status notifier on but i dont want to much on my iphone.

And there are really no drawbacks whatsoever?
And there are really no drawbacks whatsoever?

actualy im not sure if this is jailbreak related but when im in the camera app the screen tends to flicker and sometims the camera "screen shutter" doesnt even open. i also noticed that the copy and paste function of the phone is a bit wonky ie copying text from safari then trying to paste it wont work infact when you try nothing happens except when you type the last key you pressed is "stuck" in the pressed key view.

those are somethings i have noticed since i jailbroke my iphone 3GS but springboard resets and the likes are way faster.
Hmm, on the other hand, risking all that what I've read so far about problems with jailbroken iPhones here and elsewhere, just for one custom sms tone? I'm not so sure...
Haven't given up hope that Apple allows customization of sms tones in a future update... and why shouldn't they? In the end it's nothing else than a custom ringtone.

So, folks: bombard Apple with enhancement requests for custom sms tones!!!
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