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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Apr 26, 2008
how do i create a custom uisound i know the process but when transfering the file over it doesnt play there is no sound its only 1 second long

help would be nice im on a Windows vista iphone 3G 2.2

searching didnt come up useful
anyone have any ideas why it's not playing the sound file?
I've had this issue before. I actually had to restore to get my original sound back, even though I backed it up and dropped it back in there after the altered one didn't work.

After the restore I tried it again and it worked fine. Strange.....
Cant Ssh Anymore

ok so i got the unlock to work
EDIT just reconnected my iphone works for the lock
I'm confused, did you fix your issue?

I'm creating themes for iPhone currently and I am working on the UISounds so if you need help, let me know. :)
i am trying to create a uisounds theme and need help. i have questions like what is the name of the file that you hear when you plug the iphone into a power source? also i need help with the process of converting the sound file i chose, like does it have to be aiff? does anyone know of a good guide for creating custom uisounds?
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