Yea, I'm new and I havent found a forum talking about installing custom wallpaper on your iPhone, Is it possible? If so, how? Thanks!
Yea, I'm new and I havent found a forum talking about installing custom wallpaper on your iPhone, Is it possible? If so, how? Thanks!
Yea, I'm new and I havent found a forum talking about installing custom wallpaper on your iPhone, Is it possible? If so, how? Thanks!
If you are talking about the home screen, there isn't a way. I think there may be a hacking way, but not sure. This would be a nice feature to have in the future if Apple would like to give it to us.
Yes, I'm sorry I was talking about the home screen....stock ones are so BORING...If anybody knows how to do this/hack or whatever then let us know! Thanks!
Wait. Do you mean behind the programs or when you hit the button and slide to unlock? there's a huge difference...the slide to unlock background can be anything in your photo library, search "iphone wallpapers" on google and you'll find a ton. Behind the actual programs on the main screen, that can only be done with a hack.
download and install the summerboard , then choose a theme .. do some manipulations ... see inside the summerboard .. enjoy