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macrumors regular
Original poster
May 25, 2008
Is there any way of changing the icon of a web app or is that not possible. If so where are those icons stored?
Is there any way of changing the icon of a web app or is that not possible. If so where are those icons stored?

You can SSH into the phone and find the file containing the image of your webclip icon.

However, be sure the image you are using to replace the old one is exact same dimensions.
You can SSH into the phone and find the file containing the image of your webclip icon.

However, be sure the image you are using to replace the old one is exact same dimensions.

If it's not the exact same dimensions, does it show up as a blank space or a white square?
Don't know what it will display. Probably it will display the icon but the image will be cropped or distorted... probably

It's happened to me- blank spaces and white squares when replacing standard icons with custom ones- but I'm not sure if it's due to the dimensions being off or another issue. I'm still trying to figure it out.
Yes you can change the icon, but if the site automatically loads a webclip icon every time you visit the site your out of luck.

If you are really so hard up to change the one icon, create a theme, with only the icon for that specific web app, and keep only that one icon in the icon folder.

In Winterboard, keep this theme at the top of the list, and it will always load with that icon.

Web clip icons can be themed just like any other icon. Just make sure that you name it exactly the same.
It even happens to me when I tried to replace the Remote app icon with this one:

Any ideas?


  • Remote.png
    6.2 KB · Views: 528
Thanks, I was able to get the custom icon in but it didn't round the edges. Any ideas?
Sorry... Somehow, I missed that question. I'll tell you what... Give me a few minutes, and check back here. I'll see what I can do about your icon. ;)
Thanks. I appreciate it.

I have a few more icons that I'm having the same problem with. If you could let me know what method you end up using for this so I could do it to the others, that would be fantastic.

I checked my icons, and they are actually 72x72. My memory seems to have some holes in it. Perhaps they changed size after 2.0...

Anyway, I downloaded your icon, changed its size, and added it to my phone, to test it. It worked just fine.

Here's a copy of it, as well as a copy of it sitting on my springboard, so that you can see that it works:



In my picture, it's named "icon2." I'll upload it here with the name, "Remote," as you had it originally.
Thanks a lot. That worked. As soon as I get a chance, I'll do it to the other problem icons, and post here if it worked.

All I need to do is make it 72 x 72, and I can use Preview to do this, right?
Well, I used Preview, and it worked. I'm still having trouble with a couple of icons though.

They are both for websites, and both of those sites have their own webclips. I'm guessing that's the problem. One of them is for (if you're interesting in investigating this issue).

TheConfused1: Thank you again for your help. :cool:
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