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macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 3, 2008
Central Florida
As the title says, Customize for Jailbroken 2.0 Firmware was released yesterday on Cydia.
I installed it late last night, and i must say it's pretty good.
Still buggy, but it's getting the job done for now.
Just wanted to give everyone a heads up. :D
Damn. I was pretty excited to see Customize in Cydia this morning, since this is my first iPhone and my first experience with jailbreaking and customizing and all that. But holy god damn is Customize slow right now! It would sometimes take 15 seconds to register a button press! :eek: I sure hope that's fixed soon..
Can I use a custom wallpaper as my background with Customize? Can I change the dock image? I haven't used Customize since I was on 1.1.1, so I don't know what the later versions had. These are two of the main things I'm looking for in jailbreaking.
Damn. I was pretty excited to see Customize in Cydia this morning, since this is my first iPhone and my first experience with jailbreaking and customizing and all that. But holy god damn is Customize slow right now! It would sometimes take 15 seconds to register a button press! :eek: I sure hope that's fixed soon..

Yeah, its doin the same for me.
Takes forever to just switch menus.
But at least its letting me apply the few themes i have been able to download.
Check out the leopard one if you can. :cool:
Does anyone get "Customize was unable to access the server" when you first start up? I'm not on wifi right now, but I do have 5 bars of 3G and fine internet access, so I dunno what that's all about.
Does anyone get "Customize was unable to access the server" when you first start up? I'm not on wifi right now, but I do have 5 bars of 3G and fine internet access, so I dunno what that's all about.

Yeah I got that too but it still lets me do everything so I'm not sure what that message is about.
Has anyone tried changing App Store icons? There were a few that I couldn't get to change with Springroll.
Yeah, its doin the same for me.
Takes forever to just switch menus.
But at least its letting me apply the few themes i have been able to download.
Check out the leopard one if you can. :cool:

Some of the Leopard themes look nice! Ok so I downloaded one of them, and I didn't like the icon set so I decided to start by just changing the dock, so I clicked "Apply only" and then selected "Dock image". I then selected "Exit and restart springboard", and after springboard restarted the dock was still the same! Am I doing something wrong?
ummm im having problems with it

ok maybe its just me so can someone help??!!!??? i tried to download a theme and nothing happened...its not there. it says it downloaded and it went to the homescreen and did the little spinning thing and then went back to the unlock screen but thats theme..and also does anyone know how to import a theme?
i was exited this morning when i saw it but didnt have the itme to install it..

i'll probably wait for it to be updated with all the slowness/bug fixes..
I can't, for the life of me, get it to change the wallpaper.


Me either, but I'm just gonna use the leopard theme with some nice icons I got from this theme called SOL.
Just wait for an update, if you check the dev site even he says it's buggy.
I'm still waiting on Installer and Summerboard too.
Customize is only temporary for me. :D
Cant get wallpaper to work!

anybody else having problems with the wallpaper, when i hit apply it says error everytime. would like to know if someone can help me

and also i have a few themes installed but when i select one and restart nothing happens!

how do you make everything change at once?

thanks guys!
yeah me to it says and i quote "customize was unable to access the theme server. most likely you have slow internet connection or the theme server is not responding" anyone get this

Fairly certain Customize can't do anything with the background until Summerboard or another background-changing app is ported over to 2.0.

Could be wrong, but that's just what I gather from the technical side of things.
So there's no way to get it to show a wallpaper behind the icons, then?

Uninstalling ... Waiting for Summerboard. :rolleyes:
The only problem I have is my App Store icons don't change but I'll mess with it later tonight and see what I can get to change. I wasn't expecting the wallpaper to change until Summerboard comes out.
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