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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 3, 2006
Charlotte, NC
I go to settings and select any wallpaper, default ones from apple or a picture from my Picture roll. No matter what I do I can not get the wallpaper to change anymore. Tried uninstalling Customize and Winterboard. Rebooted the phone several times. It seems to be stuck on the wallpaper that was on the phone when I quickpwned it.

Same here, I pwned mine, changed the wallpaper once and now it's stuck. I hope I don't have to restore. Somebody help.
Found the solution. Its actual Customize's fault it appears.

This is what you have to do.

SSH into your iphone.

navigate to /private/var/mobile/Library

delete the LockBackground.jpg file

Then goto Settings and select a new Wallpaper. It should change. It worked for me.
Damn, SSH won't work for me.....

I have a mac, I open fugu, type in my IP, root, and alpine, but it says acess denied. I have OpenSSH on my phone. Help please.
Open up Terminal

Type ssh root@<Your IP Address>

then login with alpine as the password

cd /private/var/mobile/Library

rm LockBackground.jpg

Those directories and filenames are case sensitive of course.
Thanks, worked perfect

BTW, while I'm using terminal, do you know how to add ROMS using terminal?
I use Cyberduck for ROM transfer. Its an SFTP program. I was having difficulties connecting with it until I SSH'ed the first time in Terminal, so that fugu app you were trying to use may work now that you have the key stored.
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