Well I just jailbroke my phone, and it was incredibly easy. I downloaded the Customize app, but there is nothing inside the individual subjects. I can open each setting, but there are no choices inside....? Anyone know what to do?
Which version did you install? The regular one or the touch repo version? If you installed the normal version, that is weird because the normal version sets everything up, but the modded actually works...
I went to Utilities-Customize- and hit install...
Guys, try this. It worked for me and now everything except the carrier logo works. Install the normal version of Customize, that will setup the folders. Uninstall that, add the ipodtouchfans.com repo(announcement in forum). Install that version of Customize and everything should work.
The customize files when downloaded may go into folder:
They should be in:
This is only an issue on fw 1.1.3, and may very well be your problem.
I finally got it to open with the www.touchrepo.com/repo.xml source....however it doesn't save any preferences (i.e hiding icons) hopefully they'll make a newer version. I have 1.1.3 jailbroken with Ziphone
I finally got it to open with the www.touchrepo.com/repo.xml source....however it doesn't save any preferences (i.e hiding icons) hopefully they'll make a newer version. I have 1.1.3 jailbroken with Ziphone