I agree with SwiftLives. Also, your layout is much too complicated. Most Microsoft Word résumé templates are too complicated, but yours is much more complicated. If you send your résumé to a large firm, then it will be scanned, OCRed, and archived with keywords. Complex layouts and multiple fonts play heck with the process.
Two columns and a sidebar? Reduce this to a single column with no side bar.
You have included a lot of useless information. "Exemplary customer service"? That's why you give references. The names of previous employer clients? Did you manage the account or did you fetch coffee. Just say what you did on the job. Ditch the names of the clients.
You share a birthday with Adolph Hitler--really. It is now recommended that you should not include your date of birth.
Ideally, your CV should be one page, but two pages are OK.