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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 5, 2018
I have a Macbook Pro (Retina) High Sierra.

Does anyone else get really bad computer eye strain? I bought a Mac earlier this year and a few months in I had to start wearing sunglasses and doing all the things people do to avoid CVS (eliminate glare, the 20/20/20 rule, breaks, turning brightness down, etc).

I don't want to turn this post into an anti-Mac thing. I can't look at the screen without some kind of sunglasses on as I immediately feel sick and or get headaches.

Just some more things:

- I do blink.

- I do the 20/20/20 rule.

- I don’t believe I need glasses as I’m fine with my Windows Matte screen (though I must admit after a few days on Mac I wake up with blurred vision/red eyes).

- Annoyingly, I am very much (constantly) adjusting for glare. Whether that’s using table lamps and wearing anti-glare glasses.

- I’ve got NightShift on.

- Turning brightness down often heightens the glare and I start to see flickers

Someone mentioned something about fiddling with the refresh rate?

Are some people just more light sensitive/and or unable to physically cope with the LED/retina. I can't help but think it's that?

Any help is much appreciated.
I've read posts from other folks in this forum and another that I belong to stating the same problem. One fellow had to get rid of his 27" retina iMac for the same reason you describe. Even though Apple has tried to cut down on the glare from the newer retina screens, they still are bright. Some folks like it that way and it doesn't bother them.

You probably should make an appointment with an Ophthalmologist and schedule an eye exam. Usually they will be able to tell you if your eyes are super sensitive. Eye exams are a good thing since there are eye problems that can go on for years without the person being aware of them. One such problem is Glaucoma. So, get your eyes checked! ;)
Hi. Thanks for the reply.

I'm wondering whether it might be - the wrong screen?

When I first bought the Mac (refurbished) I took it back to the store to get a new screen as the one I bought it with was disintegrating (which is apparently a thing). Anyways, would such an accident occur? Is it possible to get a faulty replacement screen that burns your eyes/or is too bright?

And yeah. I should schedule an appointment.
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