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Thanks for the replies. I have a PC not Mac. I still haven't jailbroke yet I am on the fence and can't make a decision! LOL
I have transferred mine and when i watch the through quicktime the look and sound fine. When they are uploaded to youtube they sound terrible. Any suggestions?
I have transferred mine and when i watch the through quicktime the look and sound fine. When they are uploaded to youtube they sound terrible. Any suggestions?

Same thing happened to me. I exported the video using the H.264 codec and it uploaded fine.
umm i just jailbroke my phone and it is 2.1 with cydia and installer. and i put cycoder and now i want to get the videos off! put i dont know how to do the ssh thing and waht to install anyone have a link to a good video that will help me with this? this cycorder is awesome! such quality. im new at this so something that is fool proof! thanks again! sorry i have looking on youtube but im not sure since it says 2.0 and not 2.1. and sorry for jacking the thread and i have a pc
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