The "bid"? I'm sorry, I don't know what that means. There are actually /no/ limitations caused to Cycorder due to it being adware. I carefully chose the resolution it records and plays back at as it is the most common aspect ratio (4x3) and has dimensions that are multiples of 32 (in order to provide for later re-encoding with awesome codecs on your desktop). It actually /just so happened/ that I had a massive wasted black bar along the left that AdMob perfectly fit into. It was seriously serendipity.
All the other iPhone video recorders have had no choice over their aspect ratio (as they aren't actually accessing the camera: they just take rapid screenshots of a camera preview window, which normally takes up the whole screen), which really sucks when you want to do, well, anything with the video later. 320x416 is just /not/ a useful resolution to have recorded something in.