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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Dec 28, 2007
So, I jailbroke my 16gb 3G iPhone so I could use it abroad. I used redsnow the installed ultrasnow via cydia. I've installed winterboard, some themes and that's about it. I've had a few things stop installing because connection was lost. Now, cydia won't boot. It starts to load but goes back to the home screen. Winterboard still works and my phone is still unlocked. Anyway to reinstall cydia without having to restore the phone and then re-jailbreaking? I've tried turning the phone off and on but that doesn't seem to do it.

Thanks for the help.
i heard people having problems with cydia on 3.0. Try rejailbreaking it and this time uncheck icy, install only cydia. This trick helped alot of people.
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