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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Dec 5, 2008
Hi, I Jailbroke my 3G iPhone 2.2, and when I first open the cydia it ask me to chose 1 of 3 options (on post #4)

ok, which one im supposed to chose? Any difference at all?

now I know why I cant find that again!!,

It wasnt on the Intaller, it was on Cydia!! , :( Sorry...

Anyways, the same question again, since i still dont know which to choose.
-Manage > settings :
"Who are you"
-USER (graphical Only)
-Hacker (+Comand Line)
-Developer (No Filters)

Which one should I chosse??, is theres any difference??
-I guess I should select : USER?

now I know why I cant find that again!!,

It wasnt on the Intaller, it was on Cydia!! , :( Sorry...

Anyways, the same question again, since i still dont know which to choose.
-Manage > settings :
"Who are you"
-USER (graphical Only)
-Hacker (+Comand Line)
-Developer (No Filters)

Which one should I chosse??, is theres any difference??
-I guess I should select : USER?


think of it like this.
am i a hacker? probably not
am i developer? guessing no
am i a user? duh
If you have to ask this question, you're definitely not a hacker, nor a developer.

I guess that leaves you with only one option, eh?

Honestly, it makes no difference. This just tells Cydia what apps to show you.
If you have to ask this question, you're definitely not a hacker, nor a developer.

I guess that leaves you with only one option, eh?

Honestly, it makes no difference. This just tells Cydia what apps to show you.

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