Hey there,
I am new here so kindly bare with me.
I did a restore on my iPhone 3G with 3.0 firmware
jailbroke it through redsnow 0.8
unlocked it thru ultrasnow
all went well and iphone is in working condition
The only thing giving problem is the Cydia. When i try to upgrade it says POSIX error and host not found on most of the repositories.
Also when adding the repository apt.modmyi.com it says does not exist and legacy repo.
Any help will be highly appreciated.
Another error
NetDb: open node or the servername doesnot exist
I am new here so kindly bare with me.
I did a restore on my iPhone 3G with 3.0 firmware
jailbroke it through redsnow 0.8
unlocked it thru ultrasnow
all went well and iphone is in working condition
The only thing giving problem is the Cydia. When i try to upgrade it says POSIX error and host not found on most of the repositories.
Also when adding the repository apt.modmyi.com it says does not exist and legacy repo.
Any help will be highly appreciated.
Another error
NetDb: open node or the servername doesnot exist