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macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 12, 2009
Hey there,

I am new here so kindly bare with me.

I did a restore on my iPhone 3G with 3.0 firmware
jailbroke it through redsnow 0.8

unlocked it thru ultrasnow

all went well and iphone is in working condition

The only thing giving problem is the Cydia. When i try to upgrade it says POSIX error and host not found on most of the repositories.

Also when adding the repository it says does not exist and legacy repo.

Any help will be highly appreciated.

Another error

NetDb: open node or the servername doesnot exist
it give the same error on

Also i cant sort of ignore the errors as i have to upgrade the cydia and install softwares and the errors doesnt let me.
it give the same error on

Also i cant sort of ignore the errors as i have to upgrade the cydia and install softwares and the errors doesnt let me.

did you do the complete upgrade after you open up cydia the first time?
Ignore the errors. If it bugs you that bad, then use Icy. Also make sure that modmyi doesn't have a new updated repo.

CAn you kindly tell how to check / ensure this ?

did you do the complete upgrade after you open up cydia the first time?

When i opened up the cydia for the first time after a fresh restore, Jb and unlock it aske dme to upgrade i selected complete upgrade. but before my upgrade can be downloaded and installed it started giving me all sorts of errors.

I am wondering if the servers may be down ?? or repo addresses may be changed ??

another error...not posting in the right forum.

my apologies

when it says host unreachable... doesnt that mean that host / server is nto there. ??

while adding it says repository not found ...
how is that possible? i added other repos as well and they seem to be added fine.
iPhone data connection / internet freezes after a couple of days and i have
to restart the phone and then it works fine.

i dont get it what is wrong here. I did a restore on the phone as well

iPhopne 3G
OS 3.0
JB redsn0w 0.8
Unlock Ultrasn0w 0.9

I get that almost everytime over wifi or 3g, it bugged me a lot at first but then I just gave up lol.
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