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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 9, 2009
I had a problem with my phone so I had to restore from an old backup; I re jailbroke; and started loading cydia apps with no problem; in the middle of the process cydia stops working; when I hit cydia on the springboard it looks like it is gonna load cydia but then takes me back to the springboard. Has anyone ever encountered this? I tired rebooting; didn't work
I had a problem with my phone so I had to restore from an old backup; I re jailbroke; and started loading cydia apps with no problem; in the middle of the process cydia stops working; when I hit cydia on the springboard it looks like it is gonna load cydia but then takes me back to the springboard. Has anyone ever encountered this? I tired rebooting; didn't work

sounds lke you have a few bad repos or you have a partial program load that is causing cydia to crash
the easiest way is to restore as a new phone. Then rejailbreak.
i youare familiar with SSH or disk aid, you can do a google on:
iphone cydia removing partial program installs
iphone cydia stars and crashes
removing repositories in cydia.

I use disk aid, its now $10 but its very easy to use.

If you have the time play around with the file structure. The worst thing is you end up restoring.
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jasperk99 said:
sounds lke you have a few bad repos or you have a partial program load that is causing cydia to crash

How do I fix it?

Search for posts by me. I provide the path to the repos. Start by deleting the iSpazio repo. Caused problems on mine as well
if you can SSH, you can download Cydia in a deb package and reinstall it.

It worked for me when this happened. It failed during a installation and whenever i would open cydia, it would close about 2 seconds later.
This exact same thing happened to me and I wasn't to familiar with the whole ssh thing, so all i did was restore the phone to like brand new and its been working fine.

*fyi once i downloaded the all source repo in cydia alot of the problems I had started to come up. If you are smart and download want you know and need you should be fine
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