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macrumors member
Original poster
May 25, 2009
Is there anyway to get Cydia to be viewed in the landscape mode?? My hands cramp up sooooo badly
can you please tell me the best way to download icy? i did not find it in my current repos. Thanks.
Google "cydia icy download source" the first result says was the source. :)

hey thanks jmann i guess it was easier to find than i thought. i am sorry if this is dumb but i can use it exactly like cydia and find everything on here than i could on cydia correct? Thanks in advance!
I would check cydia occasionslly for updates. Icy is faster, but cydia is better about informing of new updates. It you want to hide cydia you can use "poof" within bossprefs.

great, thank you for your help!
I keep getting a message that Cydia couldn't find the repository when I try to add

EDIT: Ok I just tried it on another iphone and the source added with no problem. Can anyone tell me why I can't add this source to Cydia on my iphone?
So is everyone using Icy instead of Cydia? Is there any bad points?

i downloaded icy and yes it was nice... but i am just so used to cydia i got rid of icy. cydia is slow but i dont think its enough for me to get rid of it..
They rip developers off (think about it RipDev) and make crappy software (Installer)

Ok cheers, noted. Ive got three updates in Cydia waiting to be installed. When I open Icy these updates are not shown, any idea why? Can you not update via Icy, I thought Icy/Cydia where the same bar the UI?
Ok cheers, noted. Ive got three updates in Cydia waiting to be installed. When I open Icy these updates are not shown, any idea why? Can you not update via Icy, I thought Icy/Cydia where the same bar the UI?

No, Cydia has many, many more packages then Icy, and the packages that need to be updated are probably only available through cydia, and not Icy. Cydia and Icy are not the same thing.
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