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macrumors regular
Original poster
Nov 8, 2006
Kennesaw, GA
If you combine when the D40x was introduced with the D40, it looks like they've collectively been out about as long as the D50 was before it was replaced by the D40 (Wikipedia being my source). I'm saving up for a D40 right now but does anybody think it's about to be replaced or even discontinued and just go forward with the D40x for now? Other than the timetable I laid out above, the price on Amazon for the D40 has kept dropping recently, now down to $498.


macrumors 68020
Nov 14, 2003
Washington, DC
The D40 was only introduced in November 2006. It's less than a year old. The D50 came out April 2005 and was sold probably into 2007. I could well be wrong, but I think Nikon likes having cameras at $500, $700, and $900 price points (roughly). I'd guess the D40 has a little while to go.

I'd think the only "major" change upcoming in Nikon's entry-level cameras is that they'll follow Canon's lead and make cheap VR kit lenses for the D40 a D40x and maybe a different one or ones for the D80/D300.
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