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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 6, 2006
Nassau, Bahamas
Hey all,

I'm in the market for a new camera bag. I have a very small Kodak bag currently that my D40x barely fits in (so you can image how small it is!). I'm also concerned about using the Kodak bag as it seems like my camera catches on the velcro inside and it just seems a little too snug. Also, now that I'm using a Hoya UV filter rather than a lens cap, I'd like to avoid any scratches.

So, at the very least I want the bag to fit my D40 with the attached 18-55, my SB-600 and eventually another couple of lenses. I'd rather not have to buy another bag for a while, so it will need room for me to grow into. My lens collection will only grow as fast as my income, so it may be a while... so I don't need anything like the Brazillian Dollar Home ;)

If at all possible, and preferably for under $150 CDN I'd like the bag to fit my MacBook as well. I travel a lot, and lugging around 2 bags for my computer and camera is a real pain. This isn't a huge deal, as I have a nice slim STM bag for my MacBook, but it would be a nice plus.

I've been currently looking at the Lowepro CompuTrekker AW or the Slingshot 200 AW. The nice thing about the Slingshot is the ease of getting my camera and flash etc out of the bag while on photo walks. The nice thing about the CompuTrekker is the laptop compartment and the space.

Any thoughts out there?

Sorry for the long post :D

Westside guy

macrumors 603
Oct 15, 2003
The soggy side of the Pacific NW
Have you looked at the Lowepro CompuDaypack? The price is in your range, and I think it'll fit your camera gear.

It won't hold the somewhat bigger lenses (which the Crumpler "Barge" bags will do), but it's about $100US cheaper then they are. For the kit lens it should work fine.

(For the record I'm a Crumpler fan; but I realize some people are put off by their prices. However you do get what you pay for.)


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
Crumpler Customary Barge

Lowepro CompuRover AW

Lowepro Slingshot.

They're all good bags. I'm looking at getting a Slingshot, although I have a Crumpler Sinking Barge already. The Customary Barge is a bit bigger and would hold more camera stuff, along with more general things like a water bottle, jumper, food, etc.

Kamera RAWr

macrumors 65816
May 15, 2007
Sitting on a rig somewhere
My suggestion would be to look at the Tamrac Adventure 9. I have one and I couldn't be happier with it... it'll hold your MB, camera with lens attatched, a few additional lenses, has a few pockets in the "camera bay" where you can put filters, memory cards, etc... also has an extra compartment at the top where you can put any additional things you wish :) . Got mine filled with my 15" MBP, D-80 with my 17-55mm attatched, my 70-200mm, 12-24mm, a few filters with room to spare.

My only concern is might it be too big for you? :p


macrumors 6502
Mar 30, 2006
Wenonah, NJ
I have a lowepro backpack and only use it for storage. IMO they are too padded to be comfortable to wear. I use a Domke for everything. I highly recommend them. Well worth every penny I spent on it.

I have this one

This one is a bit bigger and comes with an insert.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 6, 2006
Nassau, Bahamas
Thanks guys, for all of your advice. I'm going to go look at some Crumpler and Lowepro bags today and bring my camera to test the size and usage etc. We'll see what happens :)
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