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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 29, 2005
Ok this is just plain odd, and I'm hoping someone has experienced this.

On my iMac in my Picture Project directory in Finder, every picture's thumbnail that I have taken with my Nikon D50 has a black border around them. Now this border doesn't show up when I open the pictures, just on the thumbnail. Here is the even odder part, pictures that I have taken with another camera on the same memory card and in the same directory even do not have the black border, just the photos taken with the D50. (and yes the photos still defaultly open with Preview).

I keep copies of these on my powerbook as well, and strangely enough this isn't happening on there, the thumbnails are normal and have no borders.

The only new photo app that I have even used in the last few months is the Adobe Lightroom Beta (and when I used it, I only imported like 5 photos, and just now I added a downloaded photo but it did not change that photos thumbnail), is there anyone that has used that app and noticed the thumbnail border occurance(if it exists at all)? It's the only possibility I can think of but I haven't found any documentation that would prove Lightroom did it, and if lightroom did do it, why just my Nikon shots, why not the Canon or Samsung shots and why didn't it affect generic downloaded photos. :(


  • d50nikonthumbs.jpg
    104.4 KB · Views: 184


macrumors 6502
Apr 9, 2006
turn around
Are you shooting RAW or JPG?

I shoot RAW and preview them with Adobe Bridge, I get that bar in the thumbnail but when I let it load the bar leaves and the thumbnail quality gets better.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 29, 2005
Abstract said:
It happens when I use my D50, so don't worry. ;)

HckySo said:
Are you shooting RAW or JPG?

I shoot RAW and preview them with Adobe Bridge, I get that bar in the thumbnail but when I let it load the bar leaves and the thumbnail quality gets better.

Ok I'm not alone, I feel better now. :D I know it's not a real problem, it just got me wondering as it doesn't happen on my powerbook. And yes these are JPG shots this is happening to. I haven't jumped into the world of RAW yet.
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