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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jul 16, 2007
A few weeks ago my D70 started giving me the "CHA" error when shooting RAW. It's a known issue with the card reader, and I have to send it in for repairs.

Because I'm out of warranty, all of the repairs will be out of my pocket. At which point (dollar wise) should I give up and either replace it (not off of eBay) or upgrade (D200)?

Other notes: the camera is otherwise in great working condition, and I've been very happy with it despite a slight over-exposure sometimes and variable skin tones (i.e. one photo to the next, less than one second apart, there're different skin tones on the same subject in the same lighting--why?!?)


macrumors Nehalem
Feb 19, 2005
Wait up. I can tell you with exterme confidence that the card reader error aka the BLOGD (blinking green light of death), is covered with or without warranty. Because the d70's had a known issue associated with them this repair is covered. You had two options. You could have gone to and downloaded their form to return the camera and let them fix the issue before it happened to you, or you could wait until it happened.

I was the second half of people who said they'd wait. While in London I was shooting and BOOM! It happened. I was somehow able to recover from it and on the 9th day in London it happened and it was stuck for good.

This was 2007, I bought the camera in April 2005. I was well out of warranty and apparently when I bought the camera at Ritz Camera the guy didn't charge me for the warranty despite me asking. It was failure on my part to read my receipt.

That said, I sent it in to their Torrance repair shop and got it back in less than 2 weeks cleaned and fixed.

Do I think you should do this? Yes, do I think it's time for a second body? Personally for me yes. It's time to upgrade, but the d70 will either be a backup body or be converted to an IR camera.
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