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macrumors regular
Original poster
Apr 25, 2005
Hi Ladies and Gents
I haven't posted as much as i used to since i got "Mac'd" with an Apple. =)

Well, as some of you know, my interests have moved into the digital photography field. I came from using a Canon SLR .... [ 20 year old? ]
and now i am highly interested in a DSLR.... NIKON ONLY. [ srry ]
I have been surfing dpreview alot.
But is there any other better digital photography forums? DP doesnt really satisfy my thirst for nikon digitalness.

Besides that, i am looking for a NIKON D70 or D50.
The D50 is really in my price range; the D70 is just above it.
However i am leaning towards the D70 just for its more professional lense type, and features.
However, i have no clue where i should make this purchase. I need to buy as cheap as possible. Do any recommend a CHEAP online reliable store? Is it worth risking those ' too good to be true sites' ?
I would like to spend less than $850 on a D70+55m lens?
Does that sound legit?

Sone help me, and clear my mind of this depressiing comparison.

Every day it seems like im leaning towards the d50 just for price =(

****D70 not D70s*****
[ sorry for confusion ]


May 26, 2004
Randy's House
sk8erboy said:
Hi Ladies and Gents
I haven't posted as much as i used to since i got "Mac'd" with an Apple. =)

Well, as some of you know, my interests have moved into the digital photography field. I came from using a Canon SLR .... [ 20 year old? ]
and now i am highly interested in a DSLR.... NIKON ONLY. [ srry ]
I have been surfing dpreview alot.
But is there any other better digital photography forums? DP doesnt really satisfy my thirst for nikon digitalness.

Besides that, i am looking for a NIKON D70 or D50.
The D50 is really in my price range; the D70 is just above it.
However i am leaning towards the D70 just for its more professional lense type, and features.
However, i have no clue where i should make this purchase. I need to buy as cheap as possible. Do any recommend a CHEAP online reliable store? Is it worth risking those ' too good to be true sites' ?
I would like to spend less than $850 on a D70+55m lens?
Does that sound legit?

Sone help me, and clear my mind of this depressiing comparison.

Every day it seems like im leaning towards the d50 just for price =(

****D70 not D70s*****
[ sorry for confusion ]

Do you have Canon lenses from your old Canon SLR?


macrumors regular
Original poster
Apr 25, 2005
yes i have three lenses
one telephoto
one 55mm
and one 2x

i mean they are all good. i guess?
but im limited to only getting a camera+kit
since im going with costco.
so i guess the nikon d50 is the best value?
unles you know of a place that sells the d70 foir a reasonable price?


macrumors 68040
May 6, 2004
What's Your Favorite Posish
sk8erboy said:
yes i have three lenses
one telephoto
one 55mm
and one 2x

i mean they are all good. i guess?
but im limited to only getting a camera+kit
since im going with costco.
so i guess the nikon d50 is the best value?
unles you know of a place that sells the d70 foir a reasonable price?

not being funny but why would you not want to keep those lenses and get a canon 350d to use with them? (it woulndt make sense if you had nikon lenses and was buying a conon digital either before people start :) )

can you tell us exactly what lenses they are (makes, speed etc)


macrumors regular
Original poster
Apr 25, 2005
i am typing right from the words of the lenses:

(2) UNDERGROUND 1:2.8 F=135MM
(3) UGC 52mm UV 1:1.8
these all are for my CANON AE-1

any suggestions?

please keep in mind that i am limited to whatever Costco offers... which are kits only. so isnt it a good point in stepping into a foreign, new, --> Nikon territory?
I mean, ill just be duplicating lenses if i go with Canon?

thanks for all the help
i know i am a semi-noob =/


macrumors 68040
May 6, 2004
What's Your Favorite Posish
sk8erboy said:
i am typing right from the words of the lenses:

(2) UNDERGROUND 1:2.8 F=135MM
(3) UGC 52mm UV 1:1.8
these all are for my CANON AE-1

any suggestions?

please keep in mind that i am limited to whatever Costco offers... which are kits only. so isnt it a good point in stepping into a foreign, new, --> Nikon territory?
I mean, ill just be duplicating lenses if i go with Canon?

thanks for all the help
i know i am a semi-noob =/

Ok, keeping those lenses probably isnt worth deciding your camera on (dont think they will even fit.. im not expert on old lens mounts etc). canon or nikon, doesnt really matter. i personally like canon stuff better because they are slightly better in area that im concerned with. I think the kit lenses on most nikons are better than canon kits (although pretty evenly matched otherwise)

if your set on nikon the d50 will do you a treat, if you decide to go canon then 350d is a great camera, even if a bit small.

what will you be using it for.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Apr 25, 2005
Mainly a passionate hobby that i have had throughout my life.
I love photographing and expression myself through pictures, portraits, etc.
I like how i cannot be judged as a person through my work of art.
I really like shooting landscapes,nature,etc more so than people.
Any suggestions?
Im so leaning towards the Nikon.... but I understand that Canon is just as superior.

What about Olympus?
how do they rank?
Do you know of any Camera places online that offer discounts?


macrumors 68040
May 6, 2004
What's Your Favorite Posish
sk8erboy said:
I like how i cannot be judged as a person through my work of art.

you and me both my friend!

Im so leaning towards the Nikon.... but I understand that Canon is just as superior.

yeah, canon are way ahead in terms of sales (but then again, so are windows - although thats totally different) and i think they are a little ahead in terms of specs too (in general) although it is all based on opinions - if your heart is set on a nikon then go for it!

What about Olympus?
how do they rank?

ive heard lots of good things about them - chip novamac will be best positioned to tell you about them.

Do you know of any Camera places online that offer discounts?

have you tried b&hvideo? i presume you are from the USA - i cant really recommend any stores there


macrumors regular
Oct 27, 2003
Staten Island, NY
sk8erboy said:
Do you know of any Camera places online that offer discounts?

B&H, Adorama and are all decent retailers who offer low, if not "too good to be true", prices, and have the advantage of being official dealers for both Canon and Nikon, who will sell you the proper US version of the camera with the correct warranty.

I've bought Nikon gear (D70 kit, extra lens, speedlight) on three occasions from buydig (since I'm in NY, and so ordering from B&H/Adorama would mean paying sales tax) and they've delivered promptly each time with none of the "please call us to verify your order" tactics employed by the scam artists.

If you do find a deal that seems to be too good to be true, definitely check out the seller's feedback on resellerratings before placing an order.

On the subject of those super-low price outlets.. most of them are based in, shall we say, less than impressive premises that might make you have second thoughts about entrusting them with a major purchase!

Good luck making a final choice on what to buy :)

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
B&H is an excellent online source and if you're NOT in NY you will not have to pay state taxes. Penn Camera is another excellent source. They're in DC, Maryland and Virginia, so if you live in one of those states then taxes will be collected. If you're in one of those states and near a Penn Camera store, it's worth going in there for excellent personalized and knowledgeable assistance. I would strongly urge that you purchase your new equipment at a "real" camera shop rather than a big-box store like Best Buy, Costco, etc. When you run into problems or have questions, I can guarantee that the salesman at the big-box store isn't going to be able to help!

So you're interested in Nikon? Good choice! :p (longtime Nikon owner here!) A couple of good places where Nikon equipment is discussed are Nikon Cafe ( and Nikonians (I think that's As you can tell by the names, Nikon is exclusively the topic of discussion in both these sites. DPReview and Steves-digicams forums also have one specific to Nikon DSLRs.

In addition to websites, there are also several Yahoogroups lists which are devoted to Nikon cameras. I think for the most part they're divided into the specific camera models or at least categories: ie, Coolpix, DSLR, or Coolpix 8800, D-70/D70s, etc.....

You should be able to get a good price on the D70 right now, since that model has been superseded by the D70s. I would recommend that camera over the D50, although there have been some very favorable comments about the D50. The D70 has a few more features which you might miss if using a D50.

Don't forget: along with the camera, buy at least one extra battery, a couple of CF cards, a memory card reader. Yes, it's possible to download directly into the computer from the camera but it is really better and safer not to do things that way and to use a separate CF card reader.

Good luck in your decision-making and your purchase!



macrumors regular
Original poster
Apr 25, 2005
so what do you think a reasonable price is for a d70 w/ average lense kit?


macrumors regular
Oct 27, 2003
Staten Island, NY
sk8erboy said:
does anyone have experience with: Tamron AF 28-200mm Super Zoom f/3.8-5.6 Aspherical XR IF Macro Autofocus Lens Kit ?

I'd be a little wary of Broadway Photo if I were you:

Reseller Ratings profile (1.13 out of 10 for customer service)

Picture of the store

(Edit: also, if you look at the product link page, on the right hand side, you'll see some incredibly overpriced accessories, e.g. $180 for a battery that retails at $40 at B+H. This is the typical scam - they'll ask you to call them, then tell you the battery isn't included, and try to get you to buy it at that price. If you don't, then suddenly the camera you want is out of stock..)

Given that the original D70 is now fairly hard to find, and the D70s body alone (w/o lens) is around $900 at reputable retailers (e.g. B+H) , and your price limit is around $850, I'd suggest the following instead:

1) Get the D50 body for around $550 at a reputable retailer here. (Price slightly higher at B+H - $600)
Compared to the D70(s) you're not missing too much - main differences I can think of are: illumination of the top LCD panel, depth of field preview button (not as essential as on a film SLR, as you can review your pictures after they're taken on the LCD), and ability to use the built-in flash as a controller for a wireless flash setup. The D50 is actually better in some ways - faster data transfer, lower noise at high ISO (apparently), etc.

2) Spend whatever you've got left (around $300) on the best lens you can afford for the money. The kit lens on the D50 is average at best, so if your budget allows you to upgrade, I'd recommend that you do so. As for which lens to choose, there are folks around here who'd be able to make better suggestions than I can (as I have only the 18-70mm DX kit lens from the D70 and the 50mm/f1.8), so I'll leave that question for someone else to answer..

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
sk8erboy said:
does anyone have experience with: Tamron AF 28-200mm Super Zoom f/3.8-5.6 Aspherical XR IF Macro Autofocus Lens Kit ?

I think the Tamron is a fairly decent lens, albeit slow, especially at the telephoto end.... Check out reviews online before making an investment.

As for Broadway Photo: I don't know anything about them but I would agree that probably it is safest to stay away from them, regardless of what "bargains" they may seem to offer. As I said in my earlier post, go to a reliable online dealer such as B&H or Penn or go to a physical brick-and-mortar photo store in your own area. Don't go to a big-box store. Go to a "real" camera store. Yes, on the surface it may seem that you would be paying more, but believe me, in the long run, you won't....



macrumors 68040
Apr 21, 2003
washington dc
i shoot with a d70 and d100 currently...

i've also read the dpreivew opinion, and honestly- go with a d50 if you want to go nikon. you don't need to set off remote flashes, each camera has roughly the same construction (plastic), and the d50 is more noob friendly- one scroll wheel, more point and shoot settings, etc.

i saw a d50 in best buy today... it's definitely a smaller camera- also something to consider


Moderator emeritus
Jun 25, 2002
sk8erboy said:
does anyone have experience with: Tamron AF 28-200mm Super Zoom f/3.8-5.6 Aspherical XR IF Macro Autofocus Lens Kit ?

Broadway Photo, Infinity Photo, and Infiniti Photo are all the same scam company. Please don't throw away your money.

As far as Olympus Digital SLRs go, I've had my E-1 for about 1.5 years and love it and the lack of 35mm legacy rubbish. No dust, no dark corners--high quality, intelligent glass.


macrumors 68030
Jul 17, 2001
NJ Highlands, Earth
BakedBeans said:
Ok, keeping those lenses probably isnt worth deciding your camera on (dont think they will even fit.. im not expert on old lens mounts etc)...

The current line of Canon SLR's take the EF mount (and some dSLR's, the newer EF-S mount). These old lenses are FD mount, which *will not fit* on the EF or EF-S.



macrumors 68020
Sep 13, 2003
D70 all the way

high frame rate, wider shutter speed range, higher flash sync,

Extreme compact flash cards are cheaper and easier to find then SD Extreme cards.

also the D70 being compact flash will allow for the use of a microdrive --- high capacity for when you are going to be shooting a lot of RAW, and believe me, once you go RAW, you won't willingly go back


macrumors 68030
Nov 16, 2004
Cloud 9 (-6)
On the Brink said:
B&H is an excellent online source and if you're NOT in NY you will not have to pay state taxes. Penn Camera is another excellent source. They're in DC, Maryland and Virginia, so if you live in one of those states then taxes will be collected. If you're in one of those states and near a Penn Camera store, it's worth going in there for excellent personalized and knowledgeable assistance. I would strongly urge that you purchase your new equipment at a "real" camera shop rather than a big-box store like Best Buy, Costco, etc. When you run into problems or have questions, I can guarantee that the salesman at the big-box store isn't going to be able to help!

Although this is a viable argument, new laws are being passed nationally (already in many states) stating that you must claim internet purchases on tax forms now and hence pay your own state taxes on all internet purchases. Many local stores will price-match reputable online retailers. I have found this to be a much better solution than complete online purchases simply because you develop a relationship with a local store and those are the people that will help you out when you stuff acts up.

I realize you were always supposed to claim online purchases, but apparently now they are making a big deal about it. So just as a reminder/warning, when you purchase online plan to pay your own state tax regardless at the end of the year. You may get away with not, but apparently there is a large move to start looking into this....

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
efoto said:
Although this is a viable argument, new laws are being passed nationally (already in many states) stating that you must claim internet purchases on tax forms now and hence pay your own state taxes on all internet purchases.

Ah, good point and thanks for the heads-up! It wouldn't do to get into trouble with the IRS simply because one made a few online purchases.... Also it isn't right if local stores' business suffers while people are ordering from online places simply to avoid paying their state taxes.

I agree that it is much, much better to develop a relationship with a local store -- especially when it comes to photography or electronic equipment -- because they're available to answer questions and help out if any problems arise. As I said in another post, when something goes wrong with the camera you purchased online or at a Big-Box store, don't count on the guy several states away at the other end of the phone or the minimum-wage clerk at the Big-Box store to be able to provide any assistance or guidance. Without being able to handle and look at the camera or lens, it's hard for someone to provide real assistance in resolving a problem over the phone. The people working in a Big-Box store are generalists and they're working with all kinds of stuff day in and day out, but their primary purpose is to sell it. They aren't going to be able to offer much in the way of help when you bring in a faulty camera or lens or have questions. People working in a specialized store such as a camera store are trained and knowledgeable about the products sold in that store and are best able to provide help when something goes awry with that new camera or lens.

There is something to be said, too, for the hands-on experience of purchasing a camera in a local store. The one and only time I did impulsively order a camera online I lived to regret it, as once I was using it I found that it was not at all going to suit my needs or my shooting style. I had only read a few reviews of it and for some reason didn't really pay attention to some very important issues brought out in those reviews. I also did not bother to check this new camera model out in person. For some dumb reason I really didn't approach this in the right way at all and impulsively ordered the thing online. Had I gone to my local store and handled it there and talked with the people at that store about the camera's strong and weak points I would have immediately realized that it wouldn't be a good camera for me and would have saved myself a bundle of money. Lesson learned. Sure, in that instance I "saved" a little money by not paying the state taxes for that particular purchase, but in the long run it cost me a heckuva lot more in that the camera in question is now sitting unused in the cabinet.... One of these days it'll go on eBay. Never made that mistake again! Now when I'm excited about a new camera I just go to my local camera dealer...



macrumors 6502a
Jan 5, 2004
Chicago (by way of SF)
sk8erboy said:
leaning towards d50 just because of price.

....... :mad:

I'm in the market as well and have decided on the D50.

Having said that, I think the Canon and the D70 are obviously fine cameras. I would say the same for the Lumix FZ30.

If I were a pro I'd spend much more money. If I had not the experience of shooting with a very nice film SLR I might spend much less.

So, in the end, the D50 seems like a good compromise. I'll buy the standard lens kit and decide later if I want another couple of lenses.

I wouldn't be mad if I were you. Everyone has to make choices. But in this case, the Nikon is a very nice camera. You are not buying Wal-Mart quality -- you are buying a lower priced DSLR from a good camera company.

The bad news: one year from now there will be even better cameras on the market at the same price point -- just like computers. And just like computers, buy the best you can afford and don't complain when a better model is introduced.


Moderator emeritus
Jun 25, 2002
sk8erboy said:
i saw the d50 in walmart today.

That's not a terrible thing. Besides, I saw the Olympus E-300 at Wal-Mart's Sam's Club. It seems that the store buyers are trying to generate a little bit different business.
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