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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Aug 22, 2011
My DAC is capable of 32/192khz and Apple Music can theoretically output some files at 24/192, but most are of course 16/44 or other variations like 24/48

In Audio MIDI settings on MacOS, do I just set the highest rate possible and forget about it, or is do I pick a general limit like 24/41 to avoid upsampling? (if that even matters) Or is there some other setting altogether I'm neglecting

Marco Klobas

macrumors 6502
Jul 14, 2017
Purists looking for bit perfect audio reproduction change the sample rate according to the song. It's inconvenient because Apple Music doesn't work in Exclusive Mode.

The less picky guys set at maximum available (basically oversampling everything is under the maximum sample rate).

The smart ones play via Lighting to USB adapter on iOS/iPadOS which change automatically the sample rate. :)
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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Aug 22, 2011
Purists looking for bit perfect audio reproduction change the sample rate according to the song. It's inconvenient because Apple Music doesn't work in Exclusive Mode.

The less picky guys set at maximum available (basically oversampling everything is under the maximum sample rate).

The smart ones play via Lighting to USB adapter on iOS/iPadOS which change automatically the sample rate. :)

thanks, guess I'm in the middle

Saw that up-sampling is well regarded on MacOS, so I guess just forcing 192 comes out fine?

Got a bunch of search results, kinda every answer under the sun. Bitperfect (app) would have been great if it didnt bypass my EQ and ignore all streamed audio


macrumors regular
Jun 17, 2009
If you don’t set the sample rate in MIDI settings according to the sample rate of the song you play, MacOS will resample it to match the MIDI settings and hence you wont get maximum quality.
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